Evaluation of SAKIP Assessment and BAPETEN Bureaucratic Reform in 2022
Kembali 18 Agustus 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

On Thursday, August 18 2022, the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan RB) conducted an online evaluation of BAPETEN's 2022 SAKIP and Bureaucratic Reform Assessments and was attended by several related BAPETEN officials and all members of the BAPETEN Bureaucratic Reform Team.

BAPETEN's Primary Officials who attended this event were the Principal Secretary of BAPETEN who also doubles as Acting. Plt Chairman of BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo, Head of Bureau of Organization and General Services Dedik Eko Sumargo, Head of Internal Auditors Hery B. Santoso. While from Kemenpan RB, the Evaluation Team was present consisting of Budi Prawira, Yanneri, Arif Budiawan, M Hariz Ananta.

In his speech, the Plt Chairman of BAPETEN hopes that the results of the RB and AKIP Evaluation will be used as a reference for further action. "We really hope that we can follow up on these recommendations properly," he said.

Presentation regarding BAPETEN's Bureaucratic Reform was delivered by Dedik Eko Sumargo. In his presentation Dedik reported on the follow-up results of the evaluation of bureaucratic reform in 2021, the progress of increasing the value of the intermediate results that had been carried out (before-after), the concluding progress of the development of the achievement of areas of change (fulfillment and reform), the progress of SAKIP implementation (planning, measuring, performance reporting and internal evaluation), National Strategic Issues overseen by agencies and linked to 8 areas of change, achievements and awards obtained by BAPETEN in 2021-2022 and also provided links/links of supporting evidence.


The Evaluator Team took turns asking questions related to BAPETEN's RB progress and SAKIP. The questions included Agents of Change, Quick Wins, Role of APIP, Strategic Plan and BAPETEN's efforts in deregulating regulations.

Regarding the agent of change agent, the Kemenpan RB Team directed that there should be an evaluation of the performance of the agent of change to find out how much the change agent contributed to the change.

"This year we asked the agent of change agent to make activities that refer to ASN BerAKHLAK and we have internalized and the change agents to make 14 action plans from each work unit which then from the action plan we do routine monitoring and we have made a progress report on the change agent action plan for the first semester of 2022 and have reached approximately 50%," explained Satria as the satmikal of the Agent of Change BAPETEN.

An explanation related to Quick Wins was conveyed by Dedik that Quick Wins are required for each work unit to make and be controlled quarterly whether there is progress or not, if not a warning will be given, but he admitted that the warning has not been standardized. Eko Legowo added that Quick Wins are determined in each work unit and what has been determined becomes a promise from all UKs in echelon II.


Regarding the deregulation of regulations/policies as a follow-up to the issuance of the Job Creation Law, Aris Sanyoto said that the existence of the Job Creation Law will revise part of Law No. 10 of 1997 concerning nuclear power which then issued government regulation no. 5 of 2021 concerning the implementation of risk-based business licensing, which was further reduced to more technical regulations with the issuance of Perka no. 3 of 2021 and Perba no. 01 of 2022.

"Both the PP and Perba provide or simplify licensing or licensing requirements and also facilitate the processing of licenses, because the requirements are made easier and other things are done to change the validity period of the permit which was only ½ year then now it is 5 years. The nuclear sector is trying to make improvements to make it easier for business actors, to take care of licensing or investing in the nuclear power sector," he said, who is also a core member of the BAPETEN RB Team.

Answering questions from the KemenPan RB evaluator regarding the role of APIP in the implementation of Bureaucratic Reform, Head of Inspectorate BAPETEN Hery B. Santoso explained that our task is to provide consulting for the organization. Regarding complaints, we also have tools in the supervision of complaints such as SOPs, then Perka 3. For the public we have electronic means such as e-mail, YouTube and others, and we also prepare complaint boxes on each floor which we always check regularly on a regular basis. We also do socialization through electronic media and face-to-face.


"The role of APIP is carried out through consulting tools, namely assistance to the RB team in the work unit and Integrity Zone development teams, then plays a role in PMPRB regularly. We communicate through WA groups and others so that it is expected to be effective, "said Hery.

Hery added that the Inspectorate through monev means every semester on complaints, "From my experience, at BAPETEN there has never been a WBS entry, but so far from the incoming WBS we always consult with the Legal Bureau, because the Legal Bureau is the Working Unit which has a task in the field of institutional lawyers, but for three years there has been none. We also input coordination with external parties both with the KPK and the Police. During these three years there have been no complaints, but we always monitor and coordinate with the leadership and the legal bureau," Hery added. (BHKK/Bams).

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