Environmental Radioactivity Mapping in preparation for the ASEAN Summit 2023

Ahead of the ASEAN Summit 2023 which will be held in May 2023, Bapeten had sent a Preparatory Team on April 4 and 5 2023, as one of the efforts to monitor nuclear security before the implementation of the ASEAN Summit 2023 begins.

The consisted Bapeten team were Fajariadi, M. Firdaus S., Aminuddin Tejo Nugroho and Nisa Akmalia Thori while the Presidential Guard was represented by Mukhlis Aditya and Arisya. The team had mapped environmental radioactivity in several locations where the 2023 ASEAN Summit will be held.

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Nuclear security monitoring is very important before the ASEAN Summit is held, bearing in mind several issues related to ongoing conflicts in several countries in the world related to the threat of using nuclear weapons, the loss of several radioactive substances and nuclear materials in the world and several other security issues that play a role in security global issues.

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Implementation of environmental radioactivity mapping in several locations was around Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara province. The aim was to ensure that the environmental conditions around the ASEAN Summit 2023 location safe and conducive to the threat of nuclear radiation. So that invited guests from ASEAN countries who come to attend this event will feel safe and comfortable when attending this ASEAN Summit.

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The results of measurements and mapping at several locations where the ASEAN countries will meet in 2023 are stated to be under normal conditions, i.e. exposure to radioactivity around the location ranges from 0.03 µSv/h to 0.12 µSv/h. (DKKN/Firdaus/BHKK/Bams).

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