Dissemination of Supervision of Nuclear Energy Utilization in Purwokerto
Kembali 14 Juli 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

To introduce the existence of BAPETEN as an institution tasked with supervising the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia, as well as providing education to the public regarding nuclear energy, starting from the field of utilization, related risks, and the monitoring process that has been carried out, BAPETEN works together with Commission VII DPR RI to organize Dissemination event for the Planning Program for Monitoring the Utilization of Nuclear Energy, in Purwokerto, Central Java (Wednesday, 13/07).

The dissemination event was attended by the Chairman of Commission VII DPR RI Sugeng Suparwoto, Chairman of Bapeten Sugeng Sumbardjo, as well as more than 100 (one hundred) participants from the Banyumas area and its surroundings consisting of students, lecturers and local community representatives. Sugeng Sumbardjo in his speech stated that one of the objectives of supervision is to ensure that the use of nuclear energy is for peaceful purposes and the welfare of the Indonesian people. "If asked if you can do it or not? the law or our leaders have stipulated in the law that it is only used for peaceful purposes," said Sugeng Sumbardjo.

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Furthermore, in his opening remarks, Chairman of Commission VII Sugeng Suparwoto emphasized that the use of nuclear energy had become the concern of the founding fathers of the Republic of Indonesia. “Our first president, Ir. Soekarno firmly stated that if Indonesia wants to become a big country, then Indonesians must master nuclear technology, "said Sugeng Suparwoto. Furthermore, Sugeng Suparwoto also conveyed several benefits that can be obtained from the use of nuclear power, related to energy needs and carbon gas emissions.

As the core of the dissemination event, an explanation was given regarding the monitoring program for the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia, delivered by the Head of Bureau of Legal Affairs, Co-operation and Public Communication BAPETEN Indra Gunawan. In his presentation, Indra also explained the various benefits of nuclear energy that have been felt by the public. However, Indra also stressed that apart from providing benefits, nuclear power also has risks to society and the environment if there is carelessness in its utilization. For this reason, it is necessary to have the presence of BAPETEN whose duty is to ensure that the utilization of nuclear power will not pose a risk that is detrimental.

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It is hoped that through this dissemination activity awareness will be formed, as well as public perceptions about nuclear energy correctly and correctly. [BHKK/AQ]

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