Dissemination of Supervision of Nuclear Energy Utilization in Bandung
Kembali 20 Juli 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN), in collaboration with a member of Commission VII of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI), Bambang Hermanto, conducted a Dissemination of Supervision of Nuclear Energy Utilization in Bandung on July 20, 2024. This event aims to introduce the duties and functions of BAPETEN as a nuclear energy supervisory institution in Indonesia.

The event was opened with remarks from Bambang Hermanto, a member of Commission VII of the Indonesian House of Representatives, who said that the Dissemination of Supervision of Nuclear Energy Utilization activity was a partnership activity between BAPETEN and Commission VII of the Indonesian House of Representatives. "In this activity, together we will find out why understanding the utilization of nuclear energy is very important for our lives," he said.

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"For example, nuclear technology is used in radiotherapy to treat cancer, helping to save many lives by destroying cancer cells without damaging healthy tissue around it," he added.

BAPETEN Middle Level Radiation Supervisor (Pengawas Radiasi Madya) Abdul Qohhar, in his presentation, said that the negative perception of nuclear is still very strong among the public. For that reason, this activity was held so that the public could know the benefits and risks of nuclear energy and how BAPETEN's duties as a supervisor of nuclear energy utilization in Indonesia.

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"First of all, we must know what nuclear is, where nuclear is located, and how nuclear is utilized in everyday life. I hope that after attending this event, you can get information about nuclear," he concluded.

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This activity was attended by 100 participants from the Bandung area. It is hoped that this activity can form a proper and correct public understanding of nuclear and supervision of its utilization. [BHKK/Da/Cd/AQ/Translator: GP]

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