Dissemination of Nuclear Energy Utilization Supervision in Tangerang
Kembali 21 November 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

Bapeten in collaboration with Commission VII of the House of Representatives (DPR RI) held a Nuclear Energy Utilization Supervision Dissemination in Tangerang (21/11/2022). This activity was attended by a Member of DPR RI Mulyanto along with Tangerang DPRD Member Hidayatullah and several other community leaders.

Representing BAPETEN, the Coordinator of the Legal Function Group, Surachmat said that on this occasion BAPETEN would provide information about nuclear energy supervision to the participants, because so far what comes to mind about nuclear is a bomb, but in its development nuclear has other uses that can be utilized for the benefit of the people. For this reason, a supervisory agency is needed that will oversee all nuclear utilization. And it should be noted that almost every country has a nuclear energy regulatory agency.

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Then Hidayatullah added that in this activity participants from various backgrounds, even online motorcycle taxi drivers were interested in coming to the meeting to gain knowledge about nuclear.

Furthermore, Mulyanto stated in his speech that in nuclear utilization, safety, security and safeguards need to be considered. Technology is indeed increasingly sophisticated, but do not ignore the risks. Luckily in Indonesia, there is BAPETEN because until now nuclear energy utilization is safe. Bapeten also has good tools for detecting radiation, this is evident from the discovery of radioactive waste found in Batan Indah housing.

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The event continued with an institutional presentation by a Junior Radiation Supervisor, Vatimah Zahrawati, which was about nuclear utilization and supervision, including nuclear terms that are still often misunderstood by most people.


The dissemination was closed with a very interesting question and answer session from the participants, including about radioactive waste in hospitals, a comparison of energy conditions in Europe and Indonesia, the benefits of nuclear and its risks in food preservation and others. (BHKK/Da/RA).

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