Dissemination of Nuclear Energy Utilization Supervision in Indramayu, West Java
Kembali 26 November 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN visited the city of Indramayu with Member of Commission VII DPR RI Bambang Hermanto to hold a Dissemination of Nuclear Energy Utilization Supervision in Indonesia, Saturday (26/11). This dissemination is intended to provide information about the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia, as well as the role and duties of BAPETEN in conducting supervision to ensure safety and security in the use of nuclear energy.

As a supervisory agency, BAPETEN not only supervises the use of nuclear energy through regulation, licensing and inspection, but BAPETEN also has an obligation to convey to the public that nuclear is safe to use if the provisions of the regulations in the use of nuclear energy have been properly complied with in accordance with applicable regulations.

The purpose of dissemination is to convey information to the public about nuclear, radiation, benefits and risks of danger and how BAPETEN carries out supervision of nuclear energy utilization in Indonesia. In addition, it also aims to embrace the community in order to help supervise the utilization of nuclear energy in Indonesia.

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"The word nuclear in people's perception is always connoted with bombs, war, radiation and other things that are very dangerous and terrible. This is not surprising because the world's dark history records, on August 6, 1945 at the outbreak of World War II, the atomic bomb devastated the Japanese city of Hiroshima and has claimed a very large number of lives and caused tremendous physical damage," explained Abdul Qohhar, Coordinator of Public Communication of BAPETEN in his presentation.

"That story continues to be imagined by the public, that nuclear is indeed very dangerous and terrible. In fact, nuclear has actually been widely utilized for the welfare of mankind, such as for health, agriculture, food, industry and research," he continued.

For agriculture, nuclear technology is used to develop superior seeds. Currently there are about 33 varieties of superior rice seeds, 14 kinds of soybeans, peanuts, green beans, wheat, he explained that there are many nuclear technologies developed in agriculture. Then nuclear technology is also used for food preservation. The preservation is done after the food is cooked, packaged and then irradiated so that the food can be durable for consumption.

"I have tasted rendang that is 1.5 years old from irradiation and the taste is still the same," Qohhar explained.

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However, in addition to these great benefits, nuclear also poses a risk of dangerous radiation hazards, therefore it needs very strict supervision. For this reason, BAPETEN is present as an institution that oversees the utilization of nuclear power in Indonesia.

Qohhar simulated the dangers arising from being exposed to radiation, which can cause chromosomal changes in human body cells. Therefore, strict supervision is needed from all of us, not only by BAPETEN.

Considering that the number of Inspectors is very limited, while the objects supervised by BAPETEN are very large, covering the entire territory of Indonesia, BAPETEN expects assistance and cooperation from the entire community to participate in supervising the use of nuclear power in Indonesia, how?

"When you, for example, conduct an examination at a hospital with nuclear technology as mentioned earlier, x-rays for example, then please ask whether there is a permit from BAPETEN or not. Usually the license from BAPETEN is posted on the wall, and there is also a sticker issued by BAPETEN on the facility. When we get a report from ladies and gentlemen, then of course we will check the report," added Qohhar.

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Qohhar said that in Indramayu there are currently 25 institutions that utilize nuclear power, 10 for the industrial sector and 15 in the health sector. There are 116 permits issued by BAPETEN for the utilization of nuclear power in the city of Indramayu.

At the end of his presentation Qohhar emphasized, "Nuclear has many benefits but there are also risks, as we said earlier. Therefore, let us together with BAPETEN supervise nuclear utilization in Indonesia, especially in Indramayu".

Previously, Member of Commission VII DPR RI Bambang Hermanto said that currently the government is promoting new and renewable energy, and nuclear is one of the new energies as an alternative. In 2050, Indonesia will be free from emissions and it is hoped that there will be no more use of fossil fuels.

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"Now the government is running new and renewable energy, and is in the process of converting from fossil to other renewable energy," he said.

"Hopefully with this dissemination, ladies and gentlemen can understand nuclear, what are the benefits, what impact it has on all of us," said Bambang Hermanato, who is familiarly called Baher, while opening the socialization event.

The activity, which was attended by more than 100 participants, was attended by the general public from Indramayu city consisting of farmers, traders, youth organizations, PKK cadre mothers and others. (BHKK/AQ/RA/Bams).

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