Directorate of Licensing from Nuclear Installations and Materials (DPIBN) BAPETEN Visit ITERA Lampung
Kembali 31 Mei 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

Directorate of Licensing from Nuclear Installations and Materials (DPIBN) BAPETEN visited the Sumatra Technology Core Campus (ITERA) Lampung on Thursday, 27 May 2021. The two-day visit was conducted as part of national expertise identification activities in Indonesia to support the licensing process of commercial nuclear reactors.

This meeting is the second meeting between BAPETAN Team and ITERA. At the first meeting last month, the two teams discussed aspects of Bathymetry (Hydrology) and Meteorology, while at this second meeting, the ITERA Team explained in more detail the equipment owned by the Science, Atmospheric and Planetary Studies Program, as well as the Geomatics Engineering Study Program in the field.


BAPETEN team consisting of evaluators licensing reactors and nuclear materials led by Coordinator of Reactor and Nuclear Materials Licensing Function, Wiryono. He stated that the need to involve expertise from academics in the framework of joint review activities for nuclear reactor licensing and hoped that ITERA could participate, synergizing with BAPETEN's activity program.

Bapeten team also presented a summary of the evaluation procedure for the evaluation program of the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) evaluation program along with a summary of its acceptance of every aspect, hydrology, meteorology, seismic, volcanology, geotechtics, human-caused events, radioactive dispersion and population distribution.



Meanwhile, the ITERA Team led by ITERA Geomatics Engineering Study Program Coordinator Irdam Adil, he explained that the relatively new ITERA Geomatics Study Program was fostered directly by the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) hoping to support BAPETEN's strategic programs and cooperate with BAPETEN.

Furthermore, Irdam hopes that through this visit can develop progress and technology in Indonesia which is certainly useful for Indonesia. On this occasion, Irdam explained some of the instrumentation that is being developed by ITERA including tide gauge and current meter.

After the two teams discussed the role of each agency according to its duties and functions in supporting the evaluation of commercial nuclear reactors, the agenda was continued with a visit to the ITERA MKG UPT Tool Park, to see in more detail how the working, maintenance, and installation of automated weather monitoring tools (AWS) and conventional weather monitoring tools, and Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge.


Further field trips were made to ITERA's Geomatics Study Program to see and get a detailed explanation of Tidemaster Portable tools, Single Beam Echo Sounding, current meters, and some ITERA development equipment. (DPIBN/Awalludin/BHKK/Bams/OR/RA)

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