Development of Nuclear Reactor Safety and Performance System: The Role of Balis SMILE in Optimizing Kartini Reactor Supervision
Kembali 29 Agustus 2024 | Berita BAPETENOn August 29, 2024 in Yogyakarta, BAPETEN held a Discussion Forum on the development and evaluation of Balis SMILE in optimizing the supervision of Kartini Reactor. The forum was attended by 16 personnel from the Kartini Reactor consisting of the fields of Operations, Maintenance, and Reactor Operating Safety. The purpose of this Forum is to gather information and technical proposals in context of system development for Balis SMILE, identify the need for Balis SMILE development, introduction to form of Inspection Report and inspection as Balis SMILE’s follow-up.
BAPETEN has developed a participatory inspection system called Balis SMILE (Electronic Inspection and Report Management System) which was inaugurated in 2021, and implemented in 2022 at Kartini Yogyakarta Reactor. As usual in an application, it is necessary to evaluate and develop, including in use of Balis SMILE to support the implementation of inspection activities.
Balis SMILE accommodates license holder involvement to oversee facility safety through regular reporting of operational safety records into the system. The results of data input will be compared with the compliance in the permit and regulatory requirements. Items that need to be verified in the field can be identified precisely and quickly so that inspectors can perform their duties effectively and efficiently when conducting field verification as well as interviews with personnel at nuclear installations.
The method used in the forum was through presentations from BAPETEN, presentations from Kartini Reactor personnel, then discussion and forum formulation. The result of this discussion forum is that Kartini Reactor personnel suggest that BAPETEN open a discussion forum for technical guidance in the form of evaluation and review of the Balis SMILE system both online and offline. [DIIBN/Winda Sarmita/BHKK/AQ/AAP]
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