Development of Nuclear Laws and Regulations in the Field of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials with Stakeholders in Surakarta
Kembali 08 Juni 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

Utilization of Ionizing Radiation Sources (SRP) in the industrial sector is increasing. Besides being able to provide benefits, the use of SRP can also pose risks to workers, society, and the environment. Utilization of SRP must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of applicable regulations, both for aspects of licensing management and aspects of radiation protection and safety.

In order to distribute the information on licensing procedures and the importance of implementing radiation protection and safety in the use of SRP as well as ensuring all interested parties know and understand the latest regulations set by the government, BAPETEN through the Directorate of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DP2FRZR) organizes Regulatory Development activities Nuclear Law on FRZR Sector with stakeholders in Surakarta, Central Java on 8 June 2022.


The development of statutory regulations is an activity carried out after the issuance of a regulation. The main topic of regulatory development in Central Java is the Presentation of Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 2021 concerning Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing and Regulation of the Nuclear Energy Supervisory Agency Number 3 of 2021 concerning Standards of Business Activities and Product Standards in the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing in the Nuclear Sector.


The activity began with an activity report by BAPETEN Intermediate Radiation Supervisor Anet Hayani, said that the coaching activity invited 25 participants offline and 100 participants online representatives from permit holders such as prisons, paper mills, hotels, and other industrial sectors that utilize SRP. In addition, this activity also invited Andriyani Sasanti as the Head of the Integrated Licensing and Investment Service Surakarta (DPMPTSP).

Andriyani Sasanti said that "Through this activity, it is hoped that the understanding of the participants regarding the nuclear legislation in the FRZR field can increase so that they can meet licensing requirements and apply radiation protection and safety in their respective facilities or utilization activities"


In the opening Aris Sanyoto as Coordinator of the Radiation Protection and Environmental Safety Regulatory Function Group (KF PPRKL) was opened this activity. Aris said that currently the government and the DPR have passed the Job Creation Act (UUCK) which summarizes a number of laws (UU) into one law. One of the laws that are also affected by the UUCK is Law Number 10 of 1997 concerning Nuclear Energy. One of the objectives of the issuance of UUCK is to facilitate licensing, including licensing in the nuclear sector.

Aris Sanyoto said that “Currently, the validity period of utilization permits in the nuclear sector is made for a period of 5 years, so that permit holders do not need to frequently apply for permit extensions. In addition, the requirements are also sought to be made easier,"

The Head (DPMPTSP) Surakarta, Andriyani Sasant said, “The current licensing mechanism refers to PP 5/2021 concerning the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing with the Online Single Submission (OSS) system. The dynamics of licensing with the OSS system is quite large because it changes the licensing system itself. For this reason, DPMPTSP Surakarta City has an OSS clinic to help with licensing problems experienced by permit applicants in an effort to obtain NIB. DPMPTSP tries its best to facilitate permit applications, for verification of permit requirements it is submitted to the Sector Guiding Ministries/L, in the case of the nuclear sector it is BAPETEN. This OSS system is the government's effort to facilitate licensing services for the community.”


The activity continued with the presentation of Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 2021 concerning Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing by Aris Sanyoto and Regulation of the Nuclear Energy Supervisory Agency Number 3 of 2021 concerning Standards of Business Activities and Product Standards on Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing in the Nuclear Sector by Anet Hayani. The presentation focused on the risk-based business permit application mechanism, including those related to the Business Identification Number (NIB), the Indonesian Standard Classification of Business Fields (KBLI), the Online Licensing System (OSS), and the stages of issuing permits.


The discussion session closed this coaching activity. The enthusiasm of the participants was very high, so many questions, suggestions and input were submitted. [DP2FRZR/I Made Ardana/BHKK/Yl/CD/RA].

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