Corruption Prevention and Combating Socialization
Kembali 21 Juni 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

Corruption octopuses with tentacles sticking out to various aspects of life. It feels cliche if we detail the negative impact. For this reason, the BAPETEN Inspectorate held a Socialization on Corruption Prevention and Control, to provide an understanding of Gratification and its reporting guidelines in the context of preventing and overcoming corruption.

The event was opened by the Head of Internal Auditors of BAPETEN Hery Budi Santoso, in his opening remarks said “Corruption is still one of the problems in our country. Transparency International Indonesia issued a corruption perception index which shows that Indonesia's position is ranked 96th out of 180 countries at the beginning of 2022. Therefore, efforts to prevent corruption, especially related to gratuities, are very necessary. Eradication of corruption is not enough to be done only with commitment alone. This commitment must be actualized in the form of a comprehensive strategy to minimize corruption and preventative measures that can be carried out in a preventive, detective and repressive manner.”


“Of course, these efforts have been carried out continuously both by the KPK and all other government institutions including BAPETEN, with various strategies and program activities. One of the efforts that are currently being pursued is the enforcement of bureaucratic reform by building a zone of integrity, creating a corruption-free area and a clean bureaucratic area to serve and strengthen supervision." Strictly speaking.


The socialization which was held on June 21, 2022, and was attended by BAPETEN employees, was followed by presentations and discussions on “Gratification Control, for a Corruption-Free Indonesia” by the Gratification Examiner of the Directorate of Gratification and Public Services, Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring of the KPK RI Anjas Prasetyo and Prawitra Kusumastuti. [BHKK/CD].

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