Coordination with PT Greenova Daya Prima
Kembali 08 November 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN’s Directorate of Technical Support and Emergency Preparedness (DKKN) carried out Coordination with BRIN's Research-Based Startup Company (PPBR) in Banten, on November 4, 2022, by inviting PT Greenova Daya Prima as a company that participated in the startup program from BRIN.

This activity is a consultation forum related to the appointment of the Nuclear Test Institute for the scope of the Dosimetry Laboratory which will be submitted by PT Greenova Daya Prima. Previously, a meeting was held in June 2022 between PT Greenova Daya Prima as PPBR BRIN and DKKN BAPETEN through the Zoom meeting.

The coordination was attended by DKKN Director Zulkarnain and Quality Assurance Function Group Coordinator (KFJM) Rini Suryanti, while from PT Greenova, the CEO of PT Greenova, Marketing Manager Leko Dwi Harjono and Technical Manager Rahmi Andarini.


In its presentation, PT Greenova explained the background and purpose of the establishment of this PPBR by BRIN is to create a research and innovation ecosystem as a symbiotic mutualism that will make researchers enthusiastic about doing research. Then the company will be allowed to develop the research results. With this PPBR program, it is expected that PPBR will develop. PT Greenova as a BRIN Startup will apply as a Dosimetry Laboratory with OSL Hp(10).

The establishment of PPBR BRIN must be examined together by all parties, especially the regulator, in this case, BAPETEN. This consultation activity and discussion forum add a lot of information about PPBR BRIN which is a new discourse and needs regulatory adjustments, all of which require a decision from the chairman. [DKKN/ Esa/Rini/BHKK/SP/Da/RA]

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