Coordination Meeting of Echelon I and II of Fiscal Year 2022
Kembali 28 Juli 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN Coordination Meeting is a management communication forum in the form of direction and information in terms of policies, programs and activities related to the implementation of the Institution functions. With this Coordination Meeting, it is hoped that participants will be able to find out policies, directions and plans for managing challenges, programs and activities.

The meeting, chaired by the Head of Bureau of Planning, Information and Finance (BPIK) Achmad Bussamah, was attended by Associate High Officials, Pratama High Officials and Heads of Education and Training Divisions. The Coordinating Meeting agenda is to monitor, evaluate and prepare an action plan for the achievement of the performance from BAPETEN's programs, activities and budget until the end of 2022.



In his report, Achmad said that this Coordination Meeting is also one of the follow-ups to the recommendations for the evaluation results of the 2021 Government Agency Performance Accountability, namely encouraging the implementation of regular monitoring and evaluation related to effectiveness and efficiency, on programs and activities that have been carried out and that will be carried out to focus more on the expected results. The results of this monitoring and evaluation are expected to ensure that the prepared budget in line with its allocation, only for programs and activities that support the achievement of the organization's main performance.



Plt. Chairman of BAPETEN also conveyed values related to supervision such as "AMPUH (trust, independent, caring, superior, harmony), BERAKHLAK (service-oriented, accountable, competent, harmonious, loyal, adaptive, and collaborative), ADIL: approach, deployment, integration and learning".

It also emphasized the "Experience during the covid-19 pandemic, which made the acceleration of the use of ICT for the effectiveness of budget users, the use of facilities and infrastructure. However, there is an unfortunate impact that makes empathy less for colleagues, as an instance no visitation during sick and only send prayers via text message. Furthermore, directions related to challenges, opportunities and problems in the future were conveyed.


The event, was held on 28 July 2022, and continued with a presentation and discussion on the evaluation of the second quarter of performance and follow-up action plans until the end of 2022. [BHKK/SP/OR/RA]

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