Coordination Meeting for The Preparation of The Roadmap for Supervision of Nuclear Power Plants (NPP)
Kembali 28 Juni 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

Welcoming the development and operation of the first Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in Indonesia, Bapeten initiated a roadmap for the supervision of NPP in preparation for strengthening nuclear supervision in Indonesia. Related to this, the Directorate of Inspection of Nuclear Installations and Materials (DIIBN) held the 4th (fourth) coordination meeting (Rakor) on Monday, 28 June 2021, with the building team to elaborate on several important inputs from several related parties.

The building team that has been formed based on the Decree of the Chairman of Bapeten No. 1052 / K / V / 2021 on the Drafting Team of the 2021 NPP Supervision Roadmap is a representative of several work units in Bapeten internally, in addition to involving Batan as an institution that is very interested in planning the construction of the first NPP in Indonesia.



Also present at the event, which was conducted online, Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin, Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia C. Sinaga, Executive Secretary Bapeten Sugeng Sumbarjo, Director of Inspection of Nuclear Installation and Materials Amil Mardha, Team member representative from BATAN.



Former Chairman of Bapeten As Natio Lasman was present as a speaker from the National Energy Council of The Republic of Indonesia who served as a Stakeholder Member of the Technological Element, and will deliver the material with the title of National Policy Plan on Nuclear Energy.

Amil Mardha expressed his gratitude for the willingness of all participants to attend this online meeting, especially to As Natio Lasman who had deigned to be a speaker in this meeting.

Furthermore, Amil Mardha provided a general explanation related to the background and objectives from the activities of preparing the NPP supervision roadmap, explaining the involvement of work units in Bapeten and agencies outside Bapeten in the preparation of roadmap documents for synergy of NPP supervision readiness.



"Through this meeting we hope to be collected important data and information related to the progress of the NPP development plan from the point of view of the National Energy Council which is an important institution in considering the direction of national energy policy," Amil added.

Meanwhile, Zainal Arifin revealed that all work units in Bapeten will be involved in the preparation of the NPP supervision system, so that synergy of activities related to the preparation of NPP supervision needs to be prepared properly in order to be effective and efficient.

"Bapeten must be ready in the implementation of supervision and readiness of human resources supervision with any scheme of NPP technology that will be carried to Indonesia," he said.

Furthermore, Zainal conveyed that the involvement of external institutions and experts from various education institutions is very important, "this is very necessary to support the strengthening of the NPP supervision system".

The meeting that lasted until noon, produced several important things, including the preparation of nuclear human resources is the main thing that needs to be done, so it is important to create an assessment center to strengthen the preparation of nuclear resources. HR preparation can be through 2 things, namely school and on the job training. For that it is necessary to make mapping of HR competencies in the preparation of NPP staffing. Therefore, with the activities of preparing a roadmap for the supervision of NPP is a positive thing as a means of knowledge transfer.



Other important results of this meeting in general DEN in a position to support the realization of the development of the first nuclear power plant in Indonesia and related to the formation of NEPIO will certainly be carried out by DEN. Then, related to the problem of high costs is a reason that is often used as the main barrier for the construction of NPP. The funding of the NPP later in addition to its physical development also needs to be considered also with the funding of HR preparation. DEN will explain to the Ministry of National Development Training/Bappenas regarding this condition. Likewise Bapeten needs to intensify roadshows to Bappenas related to the function of Bapeten in its role to welcome the development of the first NPP in Indonesia.

The event was closed by Zainal Arifin who said that Bapeten must build synergy with the former Bapeten as a means of sharing knowledge. Roadshows, cooperation and collaboration with relevant institutions are important for network strengthening. Roadmap can direct us to prepare ourselves in welcoming the construction of NPP. RDMS can be synergized with the preparation activities of NPP supervision. And the most important thing is, the fulfilment of 3S element (safety, security and safegard) should always be the main reference in the supervision of NPP. [BHKK/Bams/OR/RA]

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