Coordination Meeting for the Acceleration of Business Implementation in the Nuclear Energy Sector
Kembali 16 November 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (DPFRZR) BAPETEN held a Coordination Meeting for the Acceleration of Business Implementation of the Nuclear Energy Sector which was attended by DPFRZR BAPETEN, the Ministry of Investment / BKPM and the Technical Directorate of Customs, DJBC, on Wednesday (11/16/2022) in Bogor.

This coordination meeting aims to equalize perceptions and solutions to problems that exist in the import/export process of ionizing radiation sources.

The event was opened and hosted by Mukhlisin as the Coordinator of the Research and Industrial Facilities Licensing Function Group, representing the Director DPFRZR, who could not attend due to other agencies.

imgkontenimgkontenAlso present at this Coordination Meeting, Aris Sanyoto as Plt. Director of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources and Soegeng Rahadhy as Coordinator of the Health, Industry and Research Regulatory Function Group were present. The Ministry of Investment / BKM was represented by Baskoro Pinandito as an analyst who was present in the coordination meeting room and Wahyudi who was present online.

The presentation from the Technical Directorate of Customs, DJBC, was delivered by Hembrand Dita A who served as Section Head. Classification IV with the material "Minister of Finance Regulation No. 26/PMK.010/2022". He explained about the HS-Code and the 2022 Indonesian Customs Tariff Book (BTKI).

This event was also held in a hybrid manner using the Zoom Meeting application. Muh Luthfi as Kasie. Import IV also delivered an online presentation on, "Importation" which explained the Concept of Import, Import Stages, Basic Principles of Imported Goods, Classification of Goods and Barrels of Ionizing Radiation Materials.

imgkontenimgkontenIn the discussion or QnA session, participants and resource persons interacted enthusiastically because they provided each other with the necessary information both for BAPETEN and for the Technical Directorate of Customs, DJBC and the Ministry of Investment / BKPM.

The event was closed by Mukhlisin who appreciated the very enthusiastic and active participants of the coordination meeting, so that the results of this coordination meeting provided a lot of new information for improving licensing evaluation procedures or corrections to the contents or forms of permit application forms in Balis Perizinan version 2.5. (DPFRZR/Sunarya/BHKK/Bams/OR/RA)

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