Coordination Meeting and Presentation of the Best Employee Award for the Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials
Kembali 15 Januari 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR) held a coordination meeting to for improving public services within the DPFRZR in the 2024 fiscal year. Then, to support the implementation of bureaucratic reform, particularly in the area of change management DPFRZR, in collaboration with the leadership of the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN), has also adopted a policy to provide rewards and punishment for employees in their workplace.

The reward is in the form of a certificate for the best employee for the period from August to November 2023, which was presented on January 12, 2024. This award has been given on a regular basis from the beginning of 2022 until the present.

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This best employee award is intended to encourage the enthusiasm of the DPFRZR employees to be enthusiastic about their work so that they can provide excellent public services. Zainal Arifin, Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection, presented the best employee certificate, accompanied by Ishak, Director of DPFRZR.

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The following employees have been selected as the best by the DPFRZR from August to November 2023:

1. Month of August 2023:

  • Muhammad Angger Anompa (Research and Industrial Facilities Licensing Function Group)
  • Sugiyanto (Health Facility Licensing Function Group)
  • Puji Hastuti (Radiation Facility Licensing Officer Function Group)

2. Month of September 2023:

  • Henda Yunihartanto (Research and Industrial Facilities Licensing Function Group)
  • Sugiyanto (Health Facility Licensing Function Group)
  • Suryana (Radiation Facility Licensing Officer Function Group)

3. Month of October 2023:

  • Dwi Susanti (Research and Industrial Facilities Licensing Function Group)
  • Toni Wahyu Pamungkas (Health Facility Licensing Function Group)
  • Ardiyani Eka Patriasari (Radiation Facility Licensing Officer Function Group)

4. Month of November 2023:

  • Henda Yunihartanto (Research and Industrial Facilities Licensing Function Group)
  • Naufal Alif Syarifuddin (Health Facility Licensing Function Group)
  • Puji Hastuti (Radiation Facility Licensing Officer Function Group)


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