Continued Field Verification Performance Assessment Acceleration of Business Implementation
Kembali 08 Juli 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN again received a team visit from the Ministry of Investment / BKPM in the context of continuing field verification of the Performance Assessment of the Acceleration of Business Implementation (PPB) to review the follow-up of the results of the performance assessment for the assessment criteria, for the application of risk-based business licensing, Friday (08/07).

Present at the event were Plt. Bapeten Sugeng Sumbarjo, Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin, Director of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources Ishak, Head of Centre for Regulatory Assessment of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources Taruniyati Handayani, Director of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources Sugeng Rahadhi, Head of Internal Auditors Hery Budi Santoso and several related officials and staff from Bapeten.


Meanwhile, representatives from the Ministry of Investment/BKPM consisted of Baskoro Pinandito as the PIC for the Ministry/Institution, Mardian Syah and Ade Maulana, who brought along surveyors consisting of Sutanti and Azizatul Munawaroh.


Today's verification is a continuation of last week's activities (Friday, 01/07), whose agenda includes the Team's review of the follow-up of the results of the OSS-RBA PPB performance assessment criteria for the application of risk-based business licensing, simplification of licensing and improvement of the investment climate, continuing the assessment of the assessment criteria, especially the improvement of the investment climate and the making of PPB performance assessment minutes.


Sugeng in his direction briefly conveyed the history of the development of Balis until it can be established as it is today integrated with the OSS-RBA. "For Bapeten, the term OSS is familiar because for almost 10 years, we are familiar with this term," he said.

"In the past, the licensing group consisted of 4 parts, including the document completeness check, evaluator and data processing section. Now everything is a 100% digital system, and this is very easy for investors. Then we convey this to the IAEA, Alhamdulillah, it can be the best practice that we can be grateful for and proud of. " he added

In this industrial era 4.0, the digital system is not just a change from manual to digital, but the point is collaboration, between the system we have and other systems both internal and external and the system is integrated with each other.


"If we say that the system is good but it is not integrated with anywhere, then it still cannot be said to be good, therefore we hope that in the future Balis will be smarter and the more systems that join us, the better. For this reason, we always monitor Balis, especially of course, The Deputy is at the forefront," he added.

"Hopefully, with this assessment, our system will be better, for that, please direct us. We would like to thank the Team from BKPM, in this case we are ready and take the courage to see the shortcomings, hopefully what we did today will be a blessing for all of us," he said as he opened the event.

Deputy Chairman of Licensing and Inspection Zainal in his speech said that "With the existence of Balis, Bapeten services are not at all affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Because our system is already running fully online."

Zainal also expressed his gratitude to various parties who have helped implement verification today "We would like to thank you for the presence of representatives of the work unit, thank you to the Data and Information Department of Bapeten who have built the Balis system and thank you also for the hard work of all teams, hopefully everyone is healthy and hopefully the verification from BKPM can produce the best", he concluded.

Representative of the Ministry of Investment /BKPM, Mardian Syah thanked for the welcome and acceptance from Bapeten and conveyed that the purpose of field verification is to assess the best, "After field verification whether Balis is in accordance with OSS-RBA requirements, and to determine whether it is nominated or not", he explained

"Regarding the implementation of investment, our leadership only allows one system, namely OSS-RBA, although all K / L have their own systems, this is of course in order to facilitate investment for business owners”, he explained.

"Hopefully, Bapeten can enter the top 3 and can maintain achievements like last year, because maintaining is more difficult and please give full support so today’s verification can be completed," he explained again.

On this occasion, Sutanti from the Surveyor Team thanked Bapeten for being very welcome and fast motion in serving requests from them us. Today's agenda should be finalized until the minutes.

Of the 3 indicators from the PPB assessment, only 6 benchmarks must be deepened today, as for the slight shortcomings in the last week they have validated. (BHKK/Bams/Denny/OR/RA)

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