Competency Certification of Qualified Testers
Kembali 31 Agustus 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The Director of technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness of BAPETEN held a Competency Certification for Qualified Testers within the CT Scan scope. The implementation of Competency Certification for Qualified Examiners (PB) consists of 2 types of exams, namely, practical exams and written exams that must be taken and passed to obtain Competency Certification as PB according to the proposed scope.

The event was opened by PIC BAPETEN Personnel Certification service Alimuddin who was attended by the BAPETEN examiner team and the FMIPA UI CMPB LST committee. The event, which was held on August 27 and 29 2022, was attended by 6 participants from FMIPA UI CMPB LST training participants, who had completed a series of training and obtained training certificates as a condition for being able to apply for competency certification. Participants who took part in the implementation of the test namely; 3 people from BPFK Jakarta, 1 person from PT Eksgon Brother, 1 person from Depok Hospital, and 1 person from Branch Bungin Hospital.

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The first day of certification was held with a practical exam agenda at Dharmais Cancer Hospital. While on the second day, it was continued with a written exam at the Physics Building, FMIPA, UI.

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In closing, an evaluation was carried out from both the BAPETEN Team and the training organizing committee, CMPB LST FMIPA UI, regarding the implementation of the tests that had taken place. This is to improve the quality of the implementation of Qualified Tester Competency Certification and produce competent Qualified Tester personnel output. [DKKN/Anak Agung/BHKK/SP]

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