Communication Technique Training for Inspectors
Kembali 11 Februari 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN Education and Training Center (BDL) held Communication Technique Training for Inspectors on 11-14 February 2020 on the 6th Floor of BAPETEN’s B Building. This training aims to improve the communication skills of the inspectors as a provision in dealing with users and interact between inspectors. The training was attended by 29 inspectors from the units of DIIBN, DIFRZR, P2STPIBN, BUO, BHKK and DPIBN.

The training began with remarks from the Director of Inspection of Nuclear Instalation and Materials Amil Mardha. In his remarks, Amil explained that the trainees were inspectors who had carried out and were obedient as team leaders and also young inspectors who had the potential to become team leaders who would be the spearhead in facing or discussing with users, controlling his team.


Furthermore, remarks from the Director of Inspection of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials Zainal Arifin. He hopes that inspectors can improve their communication skills so that they can provide recommendations and clear inspection results in polite and easy to understand language, and can communicate with team members and users.


The training was opened by the Head of BDL Lukman Hakim. In his remarks, Lukman said that communication is important to connect with people around us. An inspector must be able to speak well clearly, effectively, full of innovation, provide motivation and talk to get attention. Inspectors should be able to read the situation in real time, accurate and accountable to dig up information on safety and security compliance using proper communication techniques.


During the 4 days of training, the participants will get a lot of presentation including National and Sectoral Communication Policies, Fundamentals of Communication, Effective Communication, Negotiation Techniques and simulations. The presentation will be delivered by speakers from the Ministry of Communication and Informatics. The evaluation will be conducted at the end of training. (BHHK / YUL)




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