Commemoration of the 114th National Awakening Day
Kembali 20 Mei 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The 114th National Awakening Day (Harkitnas) Commemoration Ceremony which falls on 20 May 2022, aims to continue to maintain, grow and strengthen our spirit of mutual cooperation as a basic foundation in carrying out development, to accelerate the recovery of our nation from the Covid-19 pandemic.

The flag ceremony commemorating Harkitnas was held at the BAPETEN office, with the theme "Let's Rise Together". The ceremony was attended by officials of Echelons I, II, III, IV, all BAPETEN employees offline and online.



In the remarks of the Minister of Communication and Informatics from the Republic of Indonesia Johnny G. Plate who was read by the Deputy Chairman of Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin, said that "On 20 May 1948, the President of the Republic of Indonesia Soekarno set the bornday of the Boedi Oetomo association as the Day of the Rise of Indonesian Nationalism. At that time, there was a threat of division between factions and ideologies in the midst of Indonesia's struggle to maintain independence from the Dutch who wanted to return to power. Thus, the spirit of unity initiated by Boedi Oetomo is expected to be a spirit in gathering strength and preventing the division of the nation."



"Hopefully, the spirit of Boedi Oetomo is still relevant for us to contextualize on the life of the nation today. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis and the Ukraine-Russia conflict that has caused global economic and geopolitical conditions to become unstable, we should interpret national awakening as a collective effort of the nation to strengthen national unity."

"This good momentum is further strengthened by Indonesia's role as the G20 Presidency in 2022. At this year's G20 Presidency, Indonesia carries the theme "Recover Together, Recover Stronger", with the aim of providing a new spirit in realizing a world order that can provide inclusive prosperity, the sustainability of life in the future. The G20 meeting chaired by Indonesia this year brought three priority issues, namely an Inclusive Global Health Architecture, Digital-based Transformation and a Sustainable Energy Transition."

"Quoting Dr. Sutomo's words "As long as Indonesian bulls still have red blood that can make a piece of white cloth red and white, during that time we will not want to surrender to anyone either."

"In the midst from the momentum of the national handling of COVID-19 who getting better and the G20 Presidency of Indonesia, we should be able to interpret Dr. Sutomo's unyielding spirit to commemorate this year's National Awakening Day as a milestone in the revival of the COVID-19 pandemic as the multidimensional crisis that is sweeping the world. From Indonesia, the World Recovers Together. Let's Rise Stronger!" [BHKK/SP]




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