Commemoration Ceremony of the 116th National Awakening Day
Kembali 20 Mei 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN held the 116th National Awakening Day Commemoration Ceremony on May 20, 2024, in the courtyard of Building A BAPETEN Office, Jakarta. This activity aims to maintain, grow, and strengthen the spirit of Indonesian nationalism as a basic foundation foundation for development implementation, uphold democratic values based on national and state morals and ethics, and strengthen brotherhood to accelerate the realization of a Golden Indonesia in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

The theme for the 116th National Awakening Day is "Rise Up for a Golden Indonesia," and the Satria 1 movement represents the Indonesian nation as it prepares to launch toward a Golden Indonesia. This commemorative ceremony was attended by all echelons I, II, III, and IV, as well as all BAPETEN employees.

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In the speech of the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Budi Arie Setiadi, which was read by Plt. The Head of BAPETEN, Sugeng Sumbarjo, as the supervisor of the ceremony, said, "With President Joko Widodo's launch of accelerated national digital transformation, which has been accelerated in recent years, we can face challenge after challenge together. The combined efforts of all components of the nation have steadily moved the wheels of transformation forward." Results can be enjoyed from urban to rural areas throughout the country."

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The second resurrection is the most significant event for us today. We must approach the future with optimism, confidence, and belief. Progress is visible before our eyes. We must capture this moment so that we can continue to pursue our national dream. We can no longer move slowly as we are racing against time. At this point, our entire natural resource potential, demographic bonus, and digital transformation potential will serve as the foundation for "Golden Indonesia 2045."

Let us celebrate the second national awakening for a Golden Indonesia! [BHKK/CD/GP]

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