As a form of awareness to strengthen the determination to maintain and practice the values of Pancasila, a Ceremony to Commemorate Pancasila Sanctity Day was held on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 in the parking lot of the BAPETEN Building, Jakarta.
The ceremony was led by Plt. Chairman of BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo as the Ceremony Leader which was attended by all Echelon I, II, III, IV officials, BAPETEN employees, both Civil Servants, Non Civil Servants and DPN KORPRI. This ceremony took place solemnly. The Pledge of Pancasila 2024 Day was also read, signed by the Leader of the House of Representatives (DPR), Puan Maharani on behalf of the Indonesian people. This pledge script was read after the opening of the 1945 Constitution and before the reading of the prayer.
The theme of the ceremony is “Together with Pancasila We Realize a Golden Indonesia”, as stated in the Circular Letter of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23224/MPK.F/TU.02.03/2024 concerning the Implementation of the Commemoration Ceremony of Pancasila Day in 2024. Let us make Pancasila the basis for strengthening the nation's character to create a golden Indonesia. [BHKK/OR/GP/AAP]
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