Collaboration on Supervision of Nuclear Energy Utilization with the DPR to Build Public Trust
Kembali 15 Oktober 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

In order to build public trust in the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia, so that nuclear utilization is always safe for community and environmental, BAPETEN held a Dissemination of Nuclear Energy Utilization Supervision by collaborating with Member of Commission VII of the House of Representatives, Ribka Tjiptaning, on Saturday, 15 October 2022, in Sukabumi.

The dissemination, which was attended by participants from Sukabumi City and Regency, was organized by BAPETEN with the aim of disseminating information about the main duties and functions of BAPETEN in carrying out energy supervision in Indonesia.



Coordinator of the Public Communication Function Gruop of BAPETEN Abdul Qohhar in his remarks said on behalf of the BAPETEN leaders he expressed gratitude for providing the opportunity to be present in Sukabumi with the aim of sharing information about nuclear energy supervision in Indonesia.

So far, if we put the word nuclear, surely what we first imagined was something harmful and terrible, therefore one of our tasks at BAPETEN is to socialize, what exactly nuclear is, whether there are benefits and where are the benefits.



"Through this dissemination activity, we hope that these questions can be answered, so that hearing nuclear disasters does not feel strange and we do not need to feel afraid and can understand what are the uses of nuclear energy in Indonesia," he said.

"We hope that everyone can participate in helping us in supervising the use of nuclear energy, because supervision is very necessary in order to ensure the safety when utilizing nuclear energy," he added.


Qohhar hoped that the material received in this dissemination can be conveyed to family and relatives so that the word nuclear becomes no longer something terrible for society.

Meanwhile, Ribka Tjiptaning, who took the time to attend the dissemination, said that in the past she was very afraid of nuclear, but over time it turned out that nuclear was of much use.

"I’m here related to my current duties in Commission VII of the House of Representatives and BAPETEN is our partner in Commission VII. Therefore, this activity is very appropriate to be held which is a manifestation of collaboration between the legislature and the executive, for that we thank BAPETEN and we congratulate you on participating in this dissemination," she said.


During a presentation entitled Supervision of Nuclear Energy Utilization in Indonesia, Qohhar explained about the properties of radiation that five senses can not detected, there are colourless and shaped, can interact with matter, can only be detected with tools.

It was explained by Qohhar that radiation turns out to be a lot around us, from cosmic radiation, rocks, building materials, soil, fruits even from the human body itself.


"But don't worry, because the radiation is from nature, then by circumcision we have been designed to be resistant to radiation from nature," he explained.

Qohhar added, the sun is the largest nuclear radiation in the world, so why are we so healthy, because there is an ozone layer that protects the earth from the radiation.

On this occasion, it was carried out related to the use of nuclear energy in the fields of health, industry, agriculture, for food preservation, pest and insect control and for research.

"An example of concentration in the industrial field is in paper mills, namely to measure the thickness of paper so that it can have the same thickness of each sheet using nuclear technology, measuring the density of tobacco in cigarettes factories on a large scale, utilizing nuclear technology. Even for the preservation of rendang so that it can last for one year without expiration and can still be eaten, it also uses nuclear technology," Qohhar added excitedly.

The use of nuclear technology has been widespread in various fields throughout Indonesia. "The most is in Java Island, followed by Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and the least, of course, in Papua. And in West Java alone, there are 2,140 permits with 586 agencies," he added.

Behind its many uses in these fields, nuclear poses a risk of radiological hazards that pose a threat to workers, society, and the environment so that supervision is absolutely necessary. In this presentation, Qohhar simulated s how chromosomal changes occur in the cells of the human body due to exposure to radiation.

In accordance with the mandate in Law Number 10 of 1997 concerning energy, the supervisory task is the focus of BAPETEN which is carried out through the preparation of regulations, permits and inspections. The inspection aims to ensure that the regulations are complied with by the user and that safety standards are met and executed properly.

However, because there is only one BAPETEN in Jakarta, while the number of BAPETEN inspectors is limited, BAPETEN hopes that there will be help from the community to participate in monitoring. "How to do it, for example, if you want to be X-rayed, please ask first, whether the facility already have permission from BAPETEN, if it already have one, please continue. But if there are none, there are 2 options. You want to continue but the risk is borne by yourself," he said.

"Because if there is no BAPETEN permit, it something can be happened when the officer wants an X-ray to the patient's chest, but the head that be hit, it is very dangerous," he continued.

At the end of the presentation, Qohhar concluded that nuclear is all around us, therefore we do not need to be paranoid or excessively afraid of nuclear. It is also concluded that nuclear provides many benefits, but nuclear also results in radiological harm, so it needs strict supervision in its use. For this reason, in accordance with Law Number 10 of 1997, BAPETEN is here to ensure the fulfilment of Safety, Security and Safeguard elements / 3S. (BHKK / Bams/OR/RA).

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