Collaboration of Participatory Inspection of Nuclear Utilization Supervision with Gresik Local Health Office
Kembali 31 Oktober 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN carried out a participatory inspection with the Gresik Local Health Office on 26-27 October 2022. Participatory Inspection is a collaboration between central and local governments involving stakeholders. The purpose of this inspection is to assess the safety conditions for the use of diagnostic and interventional radiology at the facility. The results of the inspection will be forwarded to the regional Health Office to participate in monitoring.

In this inspection, BAPETEN was accompanied by the Gresik Local Health Office represented by the Secretary of the Health Office Tony Sutiyono Hartanto and 2 staff members. The implementation of this inspection was carried out for 2 days, on the first day of inspection of Ibnu Sina Gresik Hospital and the second day of PT Petro Graha Medika with the utilization location of Petrokimia Gresik Hospital. Both facilities were inspected for the scope of use activities in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology.

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The activity began with an entry meeting opened by the Head of the BAPETEN Inspection Team Asep Saefulloh Hermawan who explained the purpose and objectives of the inspection and explained that in addition to BAPETEN's main task, this inspection also aims to supervise risk-based licensing. Inspection activities continued by examining the suitability of documents and records related to licensing and utilization of diagnostic and interventional radiology, as well as conducting field checks and monitoring radiation exposure in the utilization location area.

Attention to the completeness of radiation protection is not only to Inspectors who are equipped with TLD Badges, survey meters and other inspection equipment but BAPETEN also pays attention to the safety of personnel from the Gresik Local Health Office by equipping them with individual pocket dosimeters loaned from BAPETEN.

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This inspection is expected to improve services and increase human resource capacity in the future. The Gresik Local Health Office is also committed to monitoring and following up on the results of the inspection and is jointly committed to improving services and safety, especially radiology licensing issues as they relate to nuclear technology.

The activity is closed by explaining the results of the inspection and the findings at the facility. The Inspection Team and the Facility signed the Minutes of Inspection (BAP) which is evidence of the implementation of the inspection and also contains a commitment from the User to follow up on the findings identified during the inspection. The BAP document was submitted to the Facility and the Gresik Local Health Office.

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In closing the series of inspection activities, the facility was given a sticker which is a manifestation of the value of the compliance condition of nuclear energy utilization at the location. [DIFRZR/IH/BHKK/OR/Da/RA]

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