Coaching of Facilities Safety Report (LKF) in the Field of Health
Kembali 10 Juni 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

Bapeten organized a Coaching of Facility Safety Report (LKF) in the field of health in West Sumatra Province, Padang on 10 June 2021. The purpose of this coaching is to conduct self-assessment by directly filling LKF guided by team from the Directorate of Inspection of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (DIFRZR).

This activity was opened by Director of Inspection of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources Asep Saefulloh Hermawan. He said "Bapeten will develop online inspection through zoom and participatory communication in the form of self assessment and coordinate with the Health Office for coaching and mentoring".



In this event, it is expected that all participants can fill out the Facility Safety Report (LKF) and get results above 95.5 which will potentially get the Bapeten Award.

The event continued with the presentation by Health Facility Inspection Function Coordinator Roy Chandra Primarsa with theme "Nuclear Supervision for Business with Online Single Submission (OSS) system". Roy said that Bapeten, users and stakeholders must build mutually beneficial synergies in order to realize supervisory objectives and instead Bapeten will conduct supervision in a professional, balanced, fair and transparent manner.



The event continued with a presentation from the Head of Health Services of West Sumatra Arry Yuswandi with "Development of Compliance of Nuclear Licensing by Health Facilities in West Sumatra". Arry explained the role of provincial health services in the supervision of health facilities, namely to implement feasibility, recommend licensing, and conduct supervision on the implementation of nuclear medicine services in West Sumatra.

Head of Bureau of Legal Affairs, Cooperation and Public Communication (BHKK) Indra Gunawan explained efforts to implement licensing requirements to prevent violations in the field of law. In addition, it was revealed that the process of integration from permit data systems between Bapeten and the Ministry of Health will be a database of all health facilities that utilize nuclear energy in Indonesia.



In this activity also conducted a presentation of procedures for filling out the Facility Safety report (LKF). The event was attended by representatives from hospitals in West Sumatra and Riau by strictly implementing of health protocols.


The coaching continued with a QnA session by participants and closed with a workshop filling out a LKF by the participants. It is hoped that through this coaching, users can more actively participate in reporting the safety of the facility every year and when it will be inspected. [BHKK/OR/RA]

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