Civil Servant Candidates’ Orientation Training
Kembali 15 Februari 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN held a Civil Servant Candidates’ (CPNS) Orientation Training on 15-25 February 2021 with online learning methods in Jakarta. The training was attended by 45 CPNS.

The event began with a report from the Head of the Education and Training Center, Lukman Hakim. Lukman said that CPNS must follow the competencies required in their positions and must be built as early as possible according to the needs of the institution. CPNS must be provided with a comprehensive understanding of the BAPETEN organization before carrying out CPNS basic training whose mechanism is in accordance with the RI LAN Regulation No. 25 of 2017 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Group III CPNS Basic Training.


Furthermore, the Chairman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto gave a speech as well as officially opened the training. In his speech, Jazi said, "Being accepted as a civil servant is an honor as well as a responsibility to carry a mandate, we must be grateful for working and carrying out tasks as well as possible".

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On this occasion, Jazi also explained about the general policy of nuclear control which explains the main tasks and functions of BAPETEN. Jazi said, “BAPETEN supervises all activities of nuclear power utility. Utilization is not only utilization, but includes storage, transportation and disposal. All supervised by BAPETEN. Supervision is carried out technically into 3 things, namely the draft of regulations, issuing permits and inspections.

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It is hoped that with this training, CPNS can carry out and explain the duties and functions of BAPETEN to the public. [BHHK/YL/RA].




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