Candidates Exploration for Energy Training Institutions with Lambung Mangkurat University, South Kalimantan
Kembali 14 Juni 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN through the Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness (DKKN) held an exploration activity for candidates for the Energy Training Institute at Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan on 14 June 2022. This exploration activity for prospective Energy Training Institutions aims to increase the potential formation of Energy Training Institutions in Indonesia, especially in Kalimantan.

The exploration of candidates for the Energy Training Institute is a long-term program of the Directorate of Nuclear Engineering and Preparedness to support Bapeten’s Strategic Plan in realizing competent energy human resources in Indonesia.

This activity involved related parties in South Kalimantan including the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Lambung Mangkurat University, AFISMI South Kalimantan, The Academy of Radiology Engineering Citra Intan Persada Banjarmasin, and LPFK Banjarbaru.



Dean of FMIPA Lambung Mangkurat Abdul Gafur in his remarks when opening the event said that the arrival of BAPETEN coincided with the intention of FMIPA ULM in the physics study program which will open a specialization in Medical Physics. "The arrival of BAPETEN is very useful for the development of the campus," he said.

The next presentation was delivered by the Director of DKKN, Zulkarnain who explained the purpose of exploring prospective Energy Training Institutions, namely to provide information and add insight to universities related to Energy Training Institutions that have potency to become Energy Training Institutions by observing the resources in their educational institutions.



"With the realization of the Energy Training Institute at FMIPA ULM, it will be an added value for ULM Banjarmasin to attract new students," added Zulkarnain.

The presentation continued with an explanation of the provisions related to the appointment of an Energy Training Institute delivered by Rini Suryanti. Rini explained the legal basis for the appointment of an Energy Training Institution and the implementation of BAPETEN Regulation No. 3 of 2021 related to requirements that must be submitted by prospective Personnel Training Institutions, including the submission of NIB and Unverified Standard Certificates through the RBA OSS System. The exploration team also visited the classrooms and physics laboratories to see what facilities and infrastructure were owned by ULM.

The activity was closed with the commitment of ULM Banjarmasin to follow up this meeting by further coordinating with relevant stakeholders such as AFISMI South Kalimantan, ATRO Citra Intan Persada Banjarmasin, LPFK Banjarbaru and Hospitals to prepare requirements to become an Energy Training Institute, especially those related to Human Resources and Infrastructure (DKKN / Deddy / BHKK / Bams).

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