Bilateral Meeting of BAPETEN with Atom Malaysia
Kembali 22 Oktober 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) received a visit from the Jabatan Tenaga Atom (Atom Malaysia) delegation, namely Puan Noraishah Pungut as Director General of Atom Malaysia, along with a team consisting of the Director of the Nuclear Installation Division, Senior Assistant Director to Assistant Director, and Policy & External Affairs Division of Atom Malaysia at the BAPETEN office, 22-24 October 2024.

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The bilateral meeting between BAPETEN and Atom Malaysia, which was held for three days, aims to carry out an exchange of information regarding the benefits and challenges for the Indonesian government, which has signed and ratified several international conventions under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

At this meeting, Taruniyati Handayani, as Acting Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment (PKN), opened with an introduction of officials from BAPETEN and appreciated the Atom Malaysia delegation for coming. "Indonesia is committed to continuing efforts to strengthen and improve our regulatory framework. I am confident that through mutually beneficial collaborative efforts between these two institutions, we will be able to increase our capacity in regulatory activities in our respective countries. I hope that all of us and all delegates can have productive meetings and discussions during these three days," said Taruniyati.

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On this occasion, Puan Noraishah Pungut expressed her gratitude for the warm reception at the BAPETEN office. Puan Noraishah Pungut hopes that this meeting can strengthen the cooperation that has been established between Indonesia and the IAEA, especially in efforts to synergize and support related to the development of surveillance infrastructure in Indonesia.

The series of activities on the first day included presentations and discussions related to the legal basis for the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia to the development of laws and regulations related to nuclear energy by Acting Director of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Materials (DP2IBN) Bambang Eko Aryadi, continued with a presentation related to the General Review of the Malaysian Nuclear Regulatory Framework, Licensing and Regulation of Atomic Energy Activities, and Efforts Towards Compliance with International Legal Instruments by the Director of Nuclear Installation Division Atom Malaysia Dr. Teng Iyu Lin, to the presentation of the CPPNM ratification process and its amendments by the BAPETEN team.

Then on the second day, continued with a presentation related to the ratification process of the Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS), licensing and assessment, regulatory supervision, and law enforcement at BAPETEN, preparation of national reports, and the ratification process of the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management. Furthermore, on the third day, it was closed with a bilateral discussion of the Atom Malaysia-BAPETEN cooperation program. [BHKK/GP/AAP/Translator: GP]

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