Basic Professional Training Course
Kembali 05 Juli 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

In carrying out the role and function of supervising the use of nuclear power, competent and have a deep understanding of the supervisory system of human resources (HR) are needed. All of BAPETEN employee must have basic competencies about that. To ensure the fulfillment of these basic competencies, Education and Training Center (BDL) of BAPETEN held an online Basic Professional Training Course on 5 – 22 July 2021.

The training began with an activity report by the Head of BDL Lukman Hakim. Lukman said, "This training was attended by 23 participants from technical and non-technical units in BAPETEN".


Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection of BAPETEN Zainal Arifin present and give a speech as well as open the training officially. In his speech, Zainal said, "Within this 3 weeks, participants must prepare themselves, both from health and the internet, so that this training can run smoothly".

Furthermore, in his presentation related to "Building Human Resources of Nuclear Energy Supervision in Order Towards Supervision of Nuclear Energy in the Industrial Era 4.0", Zainal said that the purpose of this training was to prepare basic competencies of HR in BAPETEN who were professional in nuclear safety, especially in the industrial era 4.0.

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The Head of BDL also expressed the same thing in the instructional session. "After participating in this training, participants can explain and apply the principles of radiation protection, safety and security systems at radiation facilities and radioactive substances as well as nuclear installations in a professional manner," explained Lukman.


In accordance with Law No. 10/1997 related to nuclear power, it is stated that BAPETEN has the duty to ensure the safety and health of workers, community, and environment in the use of nuclear power in Indonesia. Competent human resources are one of the important aspect that are indispensable in supporting the role and function of BAPETEN in the use of nuclear power supervision. [BHKK/IP/RA]

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