BAPETEN's Center for Regulatory Assessment of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (P2STPFRZR) visited the National Search and Rescue Agency (BASARNAS) on June 25, 2024. This visit followed to BASARNAS' request to check the radiation potential in the BASARNAS Command Center (BCC) room.
For this reason, the BAPETEN Team consisting of Evin Yuliati, Werdi Putra Daeng Beta, and Wisnu Hadi conducted radiation exposure data collection activities to determine the initial portrait of radiation exposure.
The activity began with the reception of the BAPETEN team by the Director of Preparedness Noer Isrodin Muchlisin and his staff. Then, continued with the presentation of material on Ionizing Radiation and Radiation Effects by Evin Yuliati. The material exposure is needed to provide an understanding of the types of radiation consisting of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, the effects of ionizing radiation on the human body, and the principles of ionizing radiation protection.
A discussion session was then held, given the many questions from BASARNAS personnel regarding the effect of many electronic equipment such as monitor screens and radio wave communication equipment on health. In the discussion session, it was explained that monitor screens and communication equipment are not ionizing radiation emitting equipment, but may be electromagnetic wave emitting equipment which is included in non-ionizing radiation. Regarding the possibility of potential ionizing radiation, it was also explained about the potential radon radiation in the room and the plan to install radon radiation measuring devices in 2025.
Then the activity continued with radiation exposure measurements in the BCC and server room. The results of radiation exposure measurements show that it is still within safe limits when compared to the community's Dose Limit Value (NBD). The measurement of radiation exposure carried out only considers external exposure, and has not taken into account the potential internal radiation generated from radon radiation.
Future activity will continue with the installation of radon detection equipment in Fiscal Year 2025 to determine the contribution of indoor radon radiation to the radiation dose received by BASARNAS personnel on duty at the BCC. [P2STPFRZR/Beta/BHKK/GP/Da]
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