BAPETEN's Point of Views on the New Energy and Renewable Energy Bill
Kembali 12 Mei 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

In order to provide views and input on the draft of the New energy and Renewable Energy Bill (RUU EBET), Bapeten attended an event "Is the EBET Bill in accordance with the right direction?" organized by the Indonesian Renewable Energy Society (METI), online on 12 May 2022. The event was also attended by other institutions such as BRIN, the National Energy Council, the Ministry of Mineral Resources Energy and HIMNI.

The purpose of this event is to identify various points of view regarding the regulatory framework in the bill needed to develop an a conducive ecosystem to in renewable energy. Meanwhile, the invited speakers came from BAPETEN represented by Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources represented by Harris Yahya and the National Energy Council represented by Herman Darnel Ibrahim.



In the presentation, Dahlia explained her inputs on the draft EBET Bill, which has now entered the harmonization stage in the DPR-RI :

  • Nuclear energy exploitation can be carried out by SOEs, cooperatives, and/or private entities in accordance with Article 13 in Law No 10 of 1997;
  • The operation of nuclear energy which includes the construction, operation, and decommissioning of NPP in Article 22 of the EBET Bill is in accordance with the provisions in Law No 10 of 1997;
  • The construction of the NPP is considered through a consultation mechanism with the DPR, not from the DPR approval’s mechanism;
  • Arrangements related to the mining of nuclear excavated materials are not relevant in the EBET Bill, because they have been regulated in Law No 10 of 1997; and
  • The establishment of a supervisory body has been regulated in Law No 10 of 1997, so it no longer needs to be regulated in the EBET Bill.

Furthermore, Dahlia said that 3 (three) laws, namely the Labour Law, the Job Creation Law and the EBET Bill are expected to complement each other. At the end Dahlia emphasized that BAPETEN supports and is ready to coordinate in the completion of the EBET Bill. (Rommy/DP2IBN/RA/OR/BHKK)



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