BAPETEN's Efforts in Increasing Public Service
Kembali 07 April 2017 | Berita BAPETEN

In advancing the quality of public service, especially in the utilization of ionizing radiation source permit at Radiation Facility dan Radioactive Material, Directorate of Radiation Facility Permit and Radioactive Material of BAPETEN conducted Coordination Meeting at Pekanbaru, Thursday (30/3/2017). The coordination meeting was also combined with Workshop on B@LIS 2.0.

This coordination meeting of ionizing radiation source utilization was attended by several permit holders, especially on industry gauging usage and radiography industry. The meeting officially opened by Director of Radiation Facility Permit and Radioactive Material, Zainal Arifin, and was attended at least 25 permit holders around Pekanbaru.

Subjects of discussion were about the know-how in applying permit, the development of permit system of B@lis Online 2.0, as well as data validation of ionizing radiation source which is owned by the license holders. The importance of the validation of data source is to generate conformity between the number of issued permit and database of BAPETEN.

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Zainal also emphasized several matters, including the importance of enhancing the quality and capability of public service for the users, notably the service of Radiation Facility and Radioactive Material Directorate.

Zainal, in his further explanation, expressed that BAPETEN’s Online Permit System will be developed more to achieve effective, efficient, transparent, accountable, integrated online system. The new features of B@LIS 2.0 were also introduced in the workshop.

It is expected that these new features will help the applicant to understand more the procedures in applying for a permit. Thus, the process of application license will be easier, effective, and efficient.(dpfrzr/hy/zd)




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