BAPETEN Working Visit to Gadjah Mada University (UGM)
Kembali 03 November 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

Chairman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto, accompanied by Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection with BAPETEN team made a working visit to Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta, Tuesday (03/11). This visit aims to improve coordination between BAPETEN and UGM in order to develop the potential of universities in the utilization of nuclear energy as well as increase the capacity of universities in the preparation of human resources. The working visit was also intended to discuss the linac aircraft grant plan from Dr. Sardjito Hospital to the Faculty of Engineering UGM.

This working visit was received directly by the Head of Nuclear Engineering Study Program, Andang Widi Harto who was accompanied by the Secretary of the Nuclear Engineering Study Program and head of the Asset, Infrastructure, and SHE Unit of the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Physical Engineering FT-UGM.


The Head of Nuclear Engineering Study Program said that the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Physical Engineering UGM was originally established to support the nuclear power plant (NPP) plan in Indonesia.Over time, the department saw considerable opportunities for nuclear development in the medical field, so that starting in 2011, curriculum changes were made to support in that direction.But because this program is under the Faculty of Engineering, then in the curriculum is added with engineering, including for medical field, such as shielding engineering, and others.


Chairman of BAPETEN stated that "nuclear is like a black-box. BAPETEN does not care about what happens in the box, but BAPETEN must ensure that the radiation does not come out so that it will harm the community and the environment". Chairman of BAPETEN also conveyed some potential cooperation that can be done between BAPETEN and FT UGM to support nuclear energy monitoring activities.


The event was continued with the presentation of Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection related to the conditions and potential of nuclear development in Indonesia in the future, followed by discussions [BHKKP/AQ/RA/OR]




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