BAPETEN Working Visit to Adi Soemarmo Airport and Surakarta Health Facility Security Center
Kembali 17 Juni 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

Bapeten held a series of working visits (kunker) at PT Angkasa Pura I Adi Soemarmo Airport and Health Facility Security Center (LPFK) in Surakarta, Central Java on 16 and 17 June 2021. The purpose of this activity is to ensure the readiness of the airport in conducting supervision related to the delivery / transportation of radioactive sources that will be used in hospitals, Moewardi Solo Hospital and ensure the readiness of surveillance support infrastructure to perform eye lens dose calculations in LPFK.

On the first day of the working visit, Chairman of Bapeten Jazi Eko Istiyanto accompanied by Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin with Director of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources (DPFRZR) Ishak and Head of Bureau of Law, Cooperation and Public Communication Indra Gunawan received directly by Yani Ajat Hermawan as General Manager and Demiyanto Senior Commercial and Administrative Manager of PT Angkasa Pura I Adi Soemarmo Airport. Yani said that there is its own logistics management at Adi Soemarmo Airport for goods that belong to Dangerous Goods category 7 and require input from Bapeten about the process of shipping and storing radioactive sources in the airport area.



While Jazi in the meeting stated that the transportation of radiopharmaceutism that will be carried out through Adi Soemarmo Airport must pay attention to security and safety, therefore the management must take into account the time, storage and administrative processes that do not hamper given the time of radioactive decay. The meeting continued with a presentation on the handling from transportation of radioactive sources by Bapeten and the logistics management process by PT Angkasa Pura I Logistik.


On the second day of the visit at LPFK Surakarta, Iin Indartati as Coordinator of the DPFRZR Health Function Group and team visited LPFK to coordinate and ensure the readiness of LPFK Surakarta in conducting eye dose services and calibrated eye dose laboratories. Head of LPFK Rohmadi welcomed the arrival of Bapeten, because actually the competence of human resources and LPFK equipment is ready to perform services related to eye doses, but in practice is still constrained by accreditation that must be met by LPFK. Iin said that the regulations for the dose of eye radiation and laboratories have been in place since several years ago, precisely through Bapeten’s Regulation No 4 of 2013 on Radiation Protection and Safety in The Utilization of Nuclear Energy, with Bapeten’s Reagulation no. 11 of 2015 on Extema Dosimetry Laboratory. Therefore Bapeten suggested that accreditation should be implemented first to the National Accreditation Committee (KAN) and then Bapeten will issue a Registration Certificate (STR) for the management of this eye dose.



The event at LPFK ended with a QnA session on certification, licensing process and Circular Letter and Bapeten Parchment related to health services, and after that Bapeten team visited the laboratory, especially the dark room tld room and film badge. [BHKK/OR/RA]

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