BAPETEN Wins “Excellent” Public Service Award in 2020
Kembali 09 Maret 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

Appreciation was given from the Ministry of PAN RB to the Directorate for Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Substance (DPFRZR) BAPETEN as a Public Service Provider in the "Very Good" Category in 2020.

The award was received at the Presentation of Appreciation and Evaluation Results of K/L Public Service Providers and Submission of Appreciation for the Implementation of Public Service Facilities for Vulnerable Groups in 2020, in Jakarta (09/03).


The assessment was carried out by the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN RB) Team involving the Ombudsman and also the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), from July to November 2020, both online and onsite observations. The assessment covers 6 aspects, namely Service Policy, HR Professionalism, Infrastructure, Public Service Information Systems, Consultation and Complaints, and Public Service Innovation.

Deputy Chairman for Public Services of the Ministry of PAN RB Diah Natalisa, in her speech said that today's meeting is the result of accountability for the evaluation of public services that have been carried out in 2020.


"We convey that in 2020, where the COVID-19 pandemic occurred is a difficult year because we must continue to provide good services to the public. Therefore, Ministries/Institutions are required to transform and innovate in public services while still implementing health protocols," she said.


Meanwhile, the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Tjahyo Kumolo, in his speech said that 6 service delivery units from 6 ministries and institutions won category A or Excellent Service. Meanwhile, 26 other units won the A- or Very Good predicate. and 15 service units of ministries or institutions received a B. In 2020, there are 55 ministries or institutions that are the focus of evaluation by the Ministry of PAN RB.


“The spirit of continuous improvement needs to be maintained because the challenges ahead will be more difficult and complex. For this reason, accelerating the improvement of public services is one of the keys to being able to rise from the current conditions," he said.

The Director of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Substances Ishak, was present as a representative from BAPETEN to receive this award. Through a short message to the Public Relations team of BAPETEN, Ishak said that this award is a form of appreciation given by the Ministry of PAN RB to BAPETEN in a continuous effort to improve the quality of public services, in accordance with the mandate of the President of the Republic of Indonesia and Bureaucratic Reform.


Furthermore, Ishak said that this award is also an illustration of the cooperation and synergy that has been built between work units at BAPETEN in realizing the ideals of Bureaucratic Reform.


Hopefully, this award will be the spirit and impetus for BAPETEN to continue to improve the quality of public services, so that it becomes an excellent service institution, higher level than the award that has been received now, Amin ya robbal 'alamiin.

Congratulations to the Directorate of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Substances who have made BAPETEN proud, hopefully it can trigger the spirit of other work units to continue to achieve and work for the country. [BHKK/Bams/IP/RA]




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