BAPETEN Supports the Eradication of Narcotics Abuse and Illicit Circulation
Kembali 29 Januari 2019 | Berita BAPETEN

The danger of illicit drug trafficking is not only engulfing celebrities, artists, musicians and young people, but it has long spread among employees, including civil servants, military and police. Therefore drug crimes are classified as extraordinary crime.

Departing from concern for the dangers of narcotics, on Monday, 01/28/2019, BAPETEN in collaboration with the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) held a Socialization of the National Action Plan and Eradication of Gelarp Narcotics Abuse and Circulation for all BAPETEN employees. The purpose of this socialization is to create a clean working environment from the abuse and illicit circulation of narcotics.

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Present at the outreach were BAPETEN Principal Secretary, Head of Legal and Organizational Bureau, Head of General Bureau, Head of P2STPIBN, and other officials and all BAPETEN employees from staff to drivers and security officers. While from BNN, present Bridgen (Pol) Drs. Mohammad Jupri, MM., BNN Director of Community Participation along with several BNN staff.

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BAPETEN's main secretary, Hendriyanto Hadi Tjahyono, said that BAPETEN supported the BNN's task in restricting the abuse and illicit circulation of narcotics, so BAPETEN invited the National Narcotics Agency to provide social security about the dangers of narcotics.

On this occasion Bridgen (Pol) Mohammad Jupri said that the community has the widest role to prevent drug abuse. If there is drug abuse, the community has the right and obligation to report. The community does not need to be afraid to bring relatives or families who are addicted to drugs. The National Narcotics Agency will treat it, depending on how much dependence on the drug.

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The BNN expects BAPETEN to form anti-drug activists. "The ideal is that BAPETEN is an anti-narcotics activist. "The establishment of anti-drug activists will be an extension of the National Narcotics Agency, because it cannot be handled by the National Narcotics Agency itself, without assistance from the community," he added, "said Mohammad Jupri.

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At the end of this event a urine examination was carried out on all BAPETEN employees, starting from Echelon I, Echelon II who were present and other officials as well as all BAPETEN staff, drivers, and BAPETEN security officers (bho / bsb).




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