BAPETEN Receives Two BKN Award 2022
Kembali 05 September 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN received two awards in the BKN Award 2022 which was held today, Monday (05/09) in Jakarta. The award was given by the Head of the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) Bima Haria Wibisana to Plt. Chairman of BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo. The two awards include Best ASN Management Implementation and Rank 5 Competency Assessment.

This award is an appreciation of the commitment from government agencies in the implementation of ASN management. Also present in this activity was Deputy Chairman for Supervision and Control of Civil Service BKN Otok Kuswandaru, leaders of government agencies who won awards or who represented.



The award is given to Government Agencies that are considered to have successfully implemented ASN management in their respective scopes, ranging from procurement aspects, staffing business processes, performance management, application of Standard Procedure and Criteria Norms (NSPK), to the use of ASN digital services.



In his report, Otok Kuswandaru said, apart from being a form of appreciation for the commitment to implementing ASN management, the provision of the BKN Award for staffing managers within the Central Agency is expected to be a spur to improve the quality of ASN management, especially in supporting the merit system-based ASN management system.

"This is certainly an honour for BKN and related agencies that received this award. We need to feel grateful and feel proud but in the future we will be faced with various challenges, therefore the collaboration of agencies with BKN is a key that must be carried out," He added.

"BKN as an HR and staffing supervisory agency will always continue to supervise and assist you in managing ASN and we together will continue to strive to improve" added.



Not to forget, Otok congratulated K/L who received the award while asking for a collaboration between K/L and BKN. "Congratulations to the awarded agencies, hopefully we can continue to collaborate for ASN coaching to be better and better”.

The awarding is based on the Decree of the Head of the State Civil Service Agency Number 72 of 2022 concerning the Awarding of the BKN Award in 2022, which was given to a total of 403 (four hundred and three) winners. 110 (one hundred and ten) of them were given to central agencies including BAPETEN.

Chairman of BKN Bima Haria Wibisana in his speech said that in this digitalization era, K/L must optimize the application of IT in the management of ASN. "The implementation of digitalization staffing documents to be managed properly so that ASN can benefit from the system," he said.

Bima emphasized that every employee should keep the ASN to be neutral not to become partisans or members of political parties and not to be tainted by understandings that are contrary to Pancasila and the 45th Constitution.

Bima expressed his gratitude and asking for support from all K / L. "We thank you and from our deepest hearts expect help and support in earnest efforts to improve the quality of ASN to be better, and to be even better from year to year. And hopefully Allah SWT will bless our efforts," Bima said ending his remarks.

Responding to this award, Plt. Chairman of BAPETEN Sugeng Sumbarjo was happy and grateful and congratulated. "We congratulate BAPETEN, for BKN award, namely the Best ASN Management Implementation and Rank 5 Competency Assessment, with the acquisition of this award, it is hoped that the performance of personnel management at BAPETEN will be better in the future". He said after the award ceremony was over.

Meanwhile, the Head of Bureau of Organisation and General Services (BOU) Dedik Eko Sumargo, who was present at this event accompanied the Plt. Chairman of BAPETEN, revealed that this award was actually for the staffing department and its staff at BOU. " This award is intended for friends who are earnestly struggling in the field of staffing. It is hoped that after receiving this award, he will be more active in serving and can continue to improve his achievements," said Dedik when asked about his impressions of receiving these two awards. (BHKK/Bams/OR/RA)

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