BAPETEN Receives Many Inputs from Dissemination and Discussion of the Draft Law Replacement for Law No. 10 of 1997 concerning nuclear power in Batam
Kembali 28 Februari 2019 | Berita BAPETEN

In order to increase the participation of the community and stakeholders in the process of establishing legislation in the framework of amending Law No. 10 year 1997 on Nuclear Energy as mandated in Law Number 12 year 2011 on the Establishment of Legislation, BAPETEN through the Directorate of Nuclear Installation and Material Control Regulations has carried out Socialization and Discussion activities on Tuesday (26/02) in Batam City, Province Riau Island.

This activity is a follow-up activity from the previous year in order to provide an understanding of nuclear technology to the community and to ask for input in the framework of drafting Laws and Regulations. 10 year 1997 concerning nuclear power.

Attending the Dissemination and Discussion, Regional Secretary of Batam Jefridin representing the Mayor of Batam was giving a speech. Jefredin said that the Regional Government very honoured being the host of this event. "This shows the attention and appreciation of BAPETEN towards Batam and we hope to get the results of the development and utilization of nuclear power," he said. He further hoped that the participants could play an active role in this socialization and discussion event so that the regulations that need to be discussed would get a lot of input.


Meanwhile, the Deputy for Nuclear and Safety Assessment, Yus Rusdian Akhmad had the opportunity to open this event. In his remarks, Yus Rusdian Akhmad said that Law Number 10 year 1997 on Nuclear Energy needs a lot of changes because currently the development of nuclear utilization technology is very rapid.


In the event, there was a presentation about the Amendment Draft Law No. 10 year by the Director of Nuclear Installation and Materials, Dahlia Sinaga, followed by Respondents from academics and the Regional Secretary of Batam and moderated by Haendra Subekti.


The Dissemination and Discussion activities were carried out through coordination and collaboration with the Regional Government of Batam and involving stakeholders including government agencies, academics, Regional Office of The Ministry of Law and Human Rights Riau Islands, Batam Business Entity (BP), Batam Type B Customs and Excise Office, City Prosecutor's Office Batam, Riau Islands Regional Police, Barelang City Police Station, industry and hospitals are related to the use of nuclear technology with a total of 45 participants. (dp2ibn /rom/ bhkkp/bsb)




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