BAPETEN Receives First Dose of Covid-19 Vaccination
Kembali 24 Maret 2021 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN as a public service agency received the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine on 24 March 2021. There are 513 employees who will be vaccinated. The implementation of the vaccination begins with the first injection to the Chairman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto.

Before vaccination, a courtesy call was made which was attended by the Executive Secretary of BAPETEN, Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection, Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment, Head of Law, Cooperation and Public Communications Bureau (BHKK), and Head of Organizational and General Bureau (BOU) as moderator, and representatives of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office, Gambir District Health Center, from Prikasih Hospital, Health Surveillance and Quarantine, led by the Director of Prevention and Control of Vector and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases.



In his remarks, the Executive Secretary said, "BAPETEN's main functions include carrying out inspection duties, dealing with other parties, requiring health insurance to carry out these duties, therefore, today we are grateful to be able to vaccinate, hopefully it can run smoothly until this afternoon."

After being vaccinated, the Chairman of BAPETEN said, “Even though we have been vaccinated, it is hoped that all BAPETEN employees will still prioritize health protocols. It is hoped that if employees have been vaccinated twice, they will have sufficient immunity against the COVID-19, thus, we can deploy more inspectors in carrying out the duties of supervising the use of nuclear power in all areas, which was previously limited in Java Island only."

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On that occasion, the Director of Prevention and Control of Vector and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (P2PTVZ) of the Ministry of Health Didik Budijanto, also commented, “So far, the vaccination activities at BAPETEN have gone smoothly according to the planning from the preparations a few days ago. It is hoped that the vaccinator team on the 2nd vaccination on April 7, 2021 can run smoothly too."

This vaccinator involves personnel from BAPETEN, the Ministry of Health, the Jakarta Health Facility Security Center (BPFK), Prikasih South Jakarta Hospital, and Gambir Public Health Center. [BHKK/SP/OR/IP/RA]

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