BAPETEN Received a Visit from Students of Sekolah Perkumpulan Mandiri
Kembali 16 Oktober 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) received a visit from students of Sekolah Perkumpulan Mandiri at the BAPETEN Office on October 16, 2024. This visit was conducted to introduce nuclear energy to high school students of science and social studies study programs.

The event was opened with remarks and directions by the Head of Bureau of Legal Affairs, Cooperation, and Public Communication of BAPETEN, Indra Gunawan, who conveyed that he hoped that this activity could provide new knowledge about the use of nuclear energy to students of Sekolah Perkumpulan Mandiri. "This visit is expected to introduce nuclear energy more widely to the surrounding community," he added.


Continued by the supervisor of the Sekolah Perkumpulan Mandiri field trip activity, Widodo Waluyo. "Thank you for being willing to visit us; hopefully this field trip activity can be useful for our students, especially knowledge about nuclear," he said.

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Then a presentation was made on "Supervision of the Use of Nuclear Energy in Indonesia" by the Manager of Public Communication Activities, Abdul Qohhar. Then continued with a presentation on the "Nuclear Readiness System" by Nuclear Preparedness Activity Manager Agus Yudhi.

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The students then toured the facilities related to the utilization and supervision of nuclear energy. It is intended that this activity can provide a broader understanding to students about nuclear energy. Nuclear energy is not only understood as a security context but can broadly build various strategic sectors such as food security, energy security, and a stronger economic foundation through nuclear utilization cooperation diplomacy. Indonesia continues to campaign for international cooperation in the utilization of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes in order to provide direct benefits for national development and people's welfare. [BHKK/CD/DA/OR/Translator: GP]

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