BAPETEN Opens Consultation and Licensing Services in the Health Sector at the Makassar Local Health Office
Kembali 05 Agustus 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN’s Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR) held consultations and licensing services for the use of ionizing radiation sources in the health sector in Makassar, on 2-3 August 2022. This activity aims to provide direct guidance and consultation to license applicants related to fulfilling the licensing requirements for diagnostic and interventional radiology which have been integrated through Online Single Submission (OSS) with Balis 2.5.

Activities are carried out by implementing health protocols attended by 45 different agencies every day and limiting the number of attendees according to the submission on the attendance link for both invitees and additional participants from agencies that are in the process of licensing.

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Consultation and licensing services are led by the Director of DPFRZR Ishak and Coordinator of the Health Facility Licensing Function group Iin Indartati and related staff. Also present on the team, Head of Inspectorate Hery Budi Santoso in monitoring consulting activities and licensing services.

The event began with an opening by the Head of Makassar Local Health Office, represented by Andri Anwar Zainuddin as the Head of Health Services, in his remarks said "Hopefully the implementation of consulting services and licensing of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology X-rays can provide maximum benefits and run smoothly."

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The activity continued with remarks and presentations by Ishak, who conveyed "A big thank you for being allowed and given facilities for organizing activities at the Makassar Local Health Office, regarding the provision of consulting services and licensing of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology X-ray plane, not only providing services licensing but also as a means of collaboration with the local government in the context of coordinating the process of organizing radiology facilities in the South Sulawesi region, especially Makassar.

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During the consulting and licensing service activities, presentation material is delivered regarding the Nuclear Energy Monitoring Policy, Exposure provisions in Perba No. 3/2021 and Perba No.1/2022, Criteria for acceptance of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology requirements, and an applicant satisfaction survey. At the end of the presentation session, there was discussion and question and answer of the participants regarding problems in the licensing process, and direct consulting services during the afternoon session every day.

The enthusiasm of the participants' presence was utilized by consulting directly with the BAPETEN health facility licensing evaluator regarding the constraints in the licensing process for the use of nuclear energy in the health sector and the one-day issuance permit service can be carried out if the requirements are met. (DPFRZR/Dwiang/BHKK/OR)

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