BAPETEN Open Consultation and Licensing Services in the Bali’s Local Health Office
Kembali 25 Oktober 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN’s Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR) opened consultation and licensing services for ionizing radiation sources utilization in the health sector at Bali’s Local Health Office on 24 and 25 October 2022. This activity was attended by 81 agencies in the Bali, NTB and NTT regions.

This activity aims to provide guidance and consultation directly to Permit Applicants related to the Fulfilment of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Licensing Requirements that have been integrated through the Online Single Submission (OSS) System with Balis 2.5 and Collaboration in the Supervision of Nuclear Power Utilization to Increase Public Trust.

The implementation of the activity is divided into two days activities and limits the number of attendees according to the attendance link for invitees and additional participants from agencies that are in the licensing process. Each agency is only allowed to be represented by one representative in good health, wearing a mask, maintaining distance, and bringing their hand sanitizer.

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The consultation and licensing service activities were led by Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin, who was accompanied by DPFRZR Director Ishak and Iin Indartati as Coordinator of the Health Facility Licensing Function group and related staff.

The event began with the opening by the Head of Bali’s Local Health Office represented by Dr. Camelia as Head of the Referral Health Services Section. In her remarks, Dr. Camelia reported that since the change in the licensing process through OSS, there have been many obstacles, especially colleagues in health facilities who take care of licensing.

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"Through this activity, we hope that colleagues can directly discuss and consult regarding licensing. In addition, with licensing collaboration with colleagues from DPMPTSP, it is expected that any licensing process can be discussed and problems resolved," she said.

Deputy Chairman for Licensing and Inspection Zainal Arifin in his remarks said "Information related to obstacles in licensing is very important for us, especially from hospitals and clinics that are processing licenses and experiencing difficulties. Since the beginning of 2022, almost all Ministries including BAPETEN have implemented NIB through the Ministry of Investment - BKPM, this needs to be observed where this meeting becomes a collaboration for Nuclear Energy supervision to increase public confidence."


Zainal added "Evaluation of license applications is indeed at BAPETEN but licensing goes through BKPM, this system change is based on the Job Creation Law. BAPETEN participated in the G20 activities related to the use of nuclear around Bali, to ensure that everything is safe and secure," he added.

DPFRZR Director Ishak also delivered a presentation on the Development of Licensing System for Ionizing Radiation Sources Utilization.


In this activity, there was also a presentation of material on the Socialization of Licensing Mechanisms through Balis 2.5 Integrated with Risk-Based Online Single Submission (OSS-RBA) and Technical Guidance by Maradi Abdilah and a presentation on Criteria for Acceptance of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Requirements by Made Pramyuni, as well as an applicant satisfaction survey.

At the end of the event, participants held discussion sessions related to problems in the licensing process, and direct consultation services in the afternoon session every day.

The enthusiasm of the participants was utilized by consulting directly with the BAPETEN health facility licensing evaluator on the obstacles to the licensing process for the utilization of nuclear power in the health sector and the one-day permit issuance service can be done if the requirements are met. (DPFRZR/Dwiang/BHKK/Bams/Da/RA)

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