BAPETEN JDIH Management Coordination Meeting
Kembali 23 Februari 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

The BAPETEN Bureau of Legal Affairs, Cooperation, and Public Communication (BHKK)—Legal Affairs Group Function, hosted the BAPETEN Legal Documentation and Information Network (JDIH) Management Coordination Meeting in Jakarta on February 22–23, 2023. This activity aims to discuss the evaluation results of BAPETEN's JDIH E-Report in 2023 and synchronize BAPETEN JDIH data with National JDIH.

The event was attended by the Head of BHKK, Indra Gunawan, the Coordinator of the Legal Affairs Group Function (KF Hukum), Surachmat, representatives of the Data and Information Function Group, the Directorate of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Material (DP2IBN), and the Directorate of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DP2FRZR), as well as speakers from the National Law Development Agency (BPHN).

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Surachmat, Legal Affairs Group Function Coordinator, stated that, based on the 2023 e-report assessment, BAPETEN's JDIH management should be evaluated. For this reason, he explained the institution's commitment to improving the JDIH management system by involving members from across work units.

"This year we have formed a special JDIH management team whose members consist of cross-work units to improve JDIH management at BAPETEN," he added.

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Indar Saleh, BPHN Application Systems and Computer Networks Analyst, presented an evaluation of BAPETEN's JDIH assessment as well as new JDIH assessment indicators for 2024. "This year we added several new indicators for JDIH assessment, for example, the process of testing website resistance against hackers," he stated.

This activity is intended to identify areas that need to be improved and completed in order to maximize BAPETEN's JDIH management system.


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