BAPETEN Holds The 2020 Nuclear Safety Inspector Coordination Meeting
Kembali 18 Februari 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

​With the theme "Inspector's Challenge in effective communication and ethics on participatory inspection", BAPETEN held a Nuclear Safety Inspector Coordination Meeting, which was opened by the Chairman of BAPETEN, Jazi Eko Istiyanto, in Jakarta, on February 18 - 19, 2020.

The event began with a committee report submitted by the Director for Inspection of Nuclear Installation and Materials Amil Mardha. In his report Amil said the reason of chosen theme in the current year, it because during the past two years we observed and received input from inspectors and sub-directorates of inspection both in the IBN and FRZR Units. In external side, there were obstacles / problems of inspection in providing the result explanations to the user. And from the internal side, there are obstacles in common perception / understanding in communicating and behaving among team members.

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"For this reason, we view the relevant theme to be raised this year and carry out its activities. This is a demand and at the same time a challenge for inspectors to improve their quality apart from technical knowledge, interpersonal communication skills are needed, and inspectors must have behavior / ethics while in charge of supervising the object of supervision are important, "said Amil.

Furthermore, Amil said that the Inspector's Coordination Meeting was also an open space to get feedback on improvements from the forum as well as to get strategic policy direction from the Chairperson to improve planning and conduct inspections in the future. This Inspection function task will not succeed without the support of the relevant units in BAPETEN.

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The Chairman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto, in his remarks conveyed that the challenge of nuclear surveillance in the future requires hard work and efforts to rack up brains to improve BAPETEN's performance in monitoring the utilization of nuclear power in Indonesia.

Regarding the Batan Indah case, Jazi said that this case brought positive lessons that BAPETEN became known by the public because every day this case was reported by television and various media.

Furthermore, Jazi explained that BAPETEN could trace who disposed of the Cs-137, because the data of Cs-137 importers and users was in BAPETEN. Likewise, the substitution data is in PTLR BATAN. "If the results are not balanced, it means that Cs-137 is licensed. Inspect all Cs-137 permit holders to find the perpetrators. But if the result is balanced, then the result of Cs-137 is the result of smuggling and B@lis has no info about it. Therefore, cooperation with the provision of RPM, cooperation with Bakamla and DJBC needs to be improved", he said.

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To the Coordination Meeting participants consisting of BAPETEN’s Inspectors, Assistant Inspectors, Intern Inspectors and special invitations, Jazi hope it will give optimal results. (bhkk / bsb)




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