BAPETEN Holds Radiation Protection and Safety (PKR) Online Training
Kembali 19 Juni 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

The use of radiology in non-surgical cardiovascular disease has been known and used by experts since three decades ago and continues to grow until today. Non-surgical interventions with imaging technology using X-ray (radiology) proved to be very efficient and effective in treating cardiovascular disease. The use of radiation in the field of cardiology interventions, although considered safe, but still has a dangerous impact if not monitored and controlled.

For this reason, BAPETEN provides training to licensee through the development of human resources in the field of radiation safety to provide an understanding of the effects of radiation that can occur on the use of radiation in cardiology intervention activities, the basis of radiation protection, and foster safety culture, especially for specialist doctors and interventional cardiology health professionals. However, due to the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, the training was conducted online, starting Monday (6/15/2020) until Friday (6/6/2020), that previously would be conducted on 30 March - 3 April 2020. There were 12 trainees, consisting of 8 doctors and 4 radiation protection officers.


The Deputy Chairman for Administration of BAPETEN, Hendriyanto Hadi Tjahyono, officially opened the training, accompanied by the Head of the Education and Training Center Lukman Hakim. This is the first online training conducted by BAPETEN. The Covid-19 pandemic had an impact on all fields, including in the field of nuclear surveillance. The pattern of nuclear education also changes with the enactment of social distancing and large-scale restrictions (PSBB). For that, the Training Center BAPETEN change their strategy to be online education and training, so that awareness of radiation safety are maintained.


The training begins with independent learning (asyncronous) on 10 to 12 June 2020 and continued with learning with the facilitator / Tutor (syncronous) through video conference on June 15 to 19 June 2020. In the midst of this pandemic, participants are expected to be attended the training well. [bdl / pd / bhkk / bams]




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