Bapeten Holds Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) Development to Improve Bapeten’s Agent of Change Competency
Kembali 30 November 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

Bapeten’s Agent of Change obtained an insight briefing on NLP on Monday (30/11) which at the meeting was opened by plt. Executive Secretary of Bapeten Indra Gunawan and followed by Bapeten’s Agent of Change directly by applying strict health protocols, as well as followed online for Agents of Change who are not able to stay at the meeting place.

Indra Gunawan said Agent of Change has a tough challenge because we all know that changes can not be done instantly, therefore the points of change made must be chosen concrete and measurable, in order to facilitate us when evaluating. "The selection of points of change that can be measured and concrete, not just symbol for bureaucratic reform report. The points must be made by Agent of Change and become the daily life" he said.


Furthermore, Indra said that the points of change that are made need to be developed and improved again in order to be more grounded and acceptable, "for it, must be supported by institutional documents so that it can synergize with the issuance of institution documents, so the points of change will be included in an internal guide" he said.


For a better performance the Agent of Change, Indra Gunawan conveyed directions, among 1) Agent of change must first recognize the environment to be changed 2) Periodic meetings become a must, so that the continuity of the planned points can be controlled, 3) Changes based on what we need, 4) Create a more varied change program and done in various ways, 5) Points made not related to the issue sara.

At the end Indra asked for commitment from all parties and full support from management and programs of changes that have been made and planned can be implemented properly.

Furthermore, Plt. Coordinator of Organization and Governance Edhy Kunto Wibowo said that a roadmap will be made for agent of change action plan for a period of 1 to 5 years so that the target is clearly not as sporadic as the previous implementation. This roadmap will be in line with the organization's planned activities in Organization Development and General Services Bureau for the next 5 years. There will also be related guidelines that we will integrate with the Electronic-Based Governance System (SPBE).


The event presents two speakers, Manda Fermilia from Bapeten and Maria Qibtiyah CEO of PT Bintang Talenta Utama. Manda who is a Functional Radiation Supervisor apparently has been involved in the science of NLP since 2016 and until now continues to be developed until it can be shared on this ability. On this occasion Manda delivered material on "Improving Personal Agility and Effective Self Management for Agent of Change", formulated from the NLP approach.

According to Manda NLP is an approach of communication, personal development, and psychotherapy in the face of challenges or life experiences to get better.

"In NLP will learn a lot to recognize the structure and patterns of various experiences. Even bad experience that wants to be neutralized until the experience of successful people who are ready to emulate. That way, we can be experts to improve results in an experience, learn from the experience of others, or just simply improve an experience that is not impressive to us" she explained.

Manda recommends some important things Agent of change is an important key in Change Management "Agent of Change need ammunition in carrying out their noble duties and functions, self-development especially softskill needs to be continuously pursued and also meetings in building rapport and solving problems together need to be pursued often" Manda said.

The event continued with the presentation by Maria Qibtiyah "Recognizing The Power of Self and Improving Communication for Agents of Change", Maria used the Emergenetics approach, through the identification of one's individual preferences. "Emergenetic will see a combination of characteristics arising from our life experience, plus genetic factors when we are born. Scientifically it has been found that individual temperaments are depicted by using three behavioral attributes and four attributes in thinking. Each attribute is described in a spectrum. Whether the attributes are on one side or the other" Explained Maria.

"The benefits of the Emegenetics approach in everyday life will make us better acquainted with the strength of ourselves, communication with others can be better, good at managing time, building trust, being able to work together in teams, contributing to groups, being able to activate ourselves and others, learning more effectively, effective in decision making" she said.

The event was attended by 35 participants online and offline, prayers were offered for the late Bambang Sugiharto, former Coordinator of Organization and Governance of the Organization Development and General Services Bureu who had passed away on 21 November 2020. The deceased is recognized to have many things to build Agent of change in Bapeten, build organizational arrangements and governance of Bapeten.(BHKK/Bams/RA/OR)




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