Bapeten Holds Dissemination Guidelines for Measuring Radiation Exposure in Facilities
Kembali 14 Oktober 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

Wednesday (14/10) there has been dissemination of Radiation Exposure Measurement Guidelines in Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources followed by Radiation Protection Officers, Medical Physicists, Radiographers from hospitals, industries, as well as some participants from government and private sectors.

The dissemination was opened by Director of Center of Radition Facilities and Radioactive Sources Regulatory Assessment (P2STPFRZR) Taruniyati Handayani, and presented two Bapeten’s speakers, Sawiyah Madya as Radiation Supervisor and Rusmanto as Coordinator of Health Assessment.

Sawiyah in a presentation entitled "Regulations related to Safety Provisions in the Design of Building Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Sources" outlines the relevant regulations as contained in Goverment Regulation (PP) No. 33 of 2007 concerning The Safety of Ionizing Radiation and The Safety of Radioactive Sources, which is then spelled out again in the Bapeten’s Chairman No. 3 of 2013 concerning Radiation Safety in the Use of Radiotherapy, then the Bapeten’s Chairman Regulation No. 17 of 2012 on Radiation Safety in Nuclear Medicine as well as the Bapeten’s Chairman Regulation No. 8 Of 2011 on Radiation Safety in the Use of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology X-Ray Aircraft.


Meanwhile, Rusmanto, who got his next presentation turn on the Guidelines for Measuring Radiation Exposure in Facilities, revealed that a guideline is needed to be used as a guide for stakeholders of radiation facilities and radioactive sources as well as for Bapeten in describing excess radiation exposure from the results of radiation exposure measurements around the radiation chamber. Therefore, Bapeten will issue a Bapeten’s Chairman Regulation on Radiation Protection and Safety in the Utilization of Nuclear Energy which will be published in 2020.Rusmanto further describes how to verify radiation exposure and its criteria, then how to apply in the field, international criteria up to how the measurement distance from the wall.

The enthusiasm of the participants is evidenced by the presence of more than 600 people spread from all over Indonesia.Even in the QnA session hundreds of questions emerged from the participants to the speakers Sawiyah and Rusmanto, but due to time constraints not all questions can be answered, the rest will be answered by email.


In closing speech, Taruniyati Handayani explained about the between Minister of Health’s Regulation No. 24 of 2020 and Bapeten’s Chairman Regulation No. 8 of 2011, Runi recommends that users follow the Regulation of the Minister of Health." For Bapeten the important thing is that the safety element for workers and the public and ergonomic factors are also met" she said.

Runi also expressed her infinite gratitude to the participants who have participated in this dissemination, as well as to the speakers of Sawiyah and Rusmanto who have delivered their presentations, so that this dissemination can run successfully.The success is seen from the evaluation results filled by the participants which include elements of the speaker’s quality, the deliveredmaterial, the suitability of the material to the scope of the participant's task and the benefits of this dissemination for participants.The average participant replied agreed and strongly agreed which indicates that this webinar has been well executed on target.


"In the future, again we will hold a webinar by presenting an outstanding presenter with a topic that is also outstanding.We hope that this webinar can benefit all of us" said Runi ended her speech (BHKK/Bams/RA/OR).




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