BAPETEN Holds Development of Energy Laws and Regulations in Pontianak
Kembali 19 Mei 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

Directorate of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Materials held a guidance on legislation in the field of nuclear installation and materials, attended by around 50 offline participants and 28 online participants, were representatives of local governments, business owner, and academics, on Thursday (19/05).

Deputy Chairman of Nuclear Safety Assessment Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga said that the presence of the Omnibus Law provides a new spirit for business owner, especially in the ease of doing business.



"Government Regulation (PP) No. 5 of 2021 concerning The Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing, divides business classifications into low, medium, and high risks. The energy business in this PP pays attention to the potential risks of community and the environment, classified as a business with high risk," she said.

Dahlia added that West Kalimantan is the purpose of fostering energy laws and regulations, because West Kalimantan has the potential for radioactive minerals and the existence of a Nuclear Power Plant (PLTN) development plan. "For this reason, the government through BAPETEN encourages the potential of energy to be utilized while still paying attention to safety and security in its use," Dahlia added.


The Regional Secretary of the West Kalimantan Provincial Government, represented by Administrative and General Assistant Alfian, explained that the West Kalimantan Provincial Government fully supports the development of energy policies in Indonesia.

"West Kalimantan has a very high potential in the field of energy, starting from the reserves of uranium nuclear excavated materials in Kalan Village, Melawi Regency, to the use of nuclear energy in the form of Nuclear Power Plants," he explained.

Socialization and providing understanding to stakeholders and the community like this, really needs to be carried out more intensely so that the public understands that the use of nuclear energy can be guaranteed safety due to the strict supervision of BAPETEN.

The speaker in this event was the Main Radiation Supervisor, Sri Budi Utami, who explained the terms and conditions of business licensing for nuclear installation and materials subsectors in PP No. 5 of 2021.

Coordinator of the Non-Reactor Nuclear Installation Regulatory Function, Farid Noor Jusuf, continued his presentation on “The Implementation Of Business Permits For The Mining Subsector Of Nuclear Excavated Materials”. Meanwhile, the moderator was the Associate Radiation Supervisor, Zulfiandri.


Director of Regulation of Nuclear Installation and Materials, Haendra Subekti, as the organizer of the activity welcomed the positive input from the participants.

Input from participants, especially business owner, is very useful for BAPETEN as feedback in the improvement and development of energy regulations, especially in the field of nuclear installations and materials," he added. (DP2IBN / Donni Taufiq / BHKK / Bams).

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