BAPETEN held an audience with the Directorate General of Customs and Excise regarding the implementation of BAPETEN Regulation Number 3 of 2024
Kembali 26 Februari 2025 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN through the Directorate of Regulation of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DP2FRZR), held an audience on the implementation of BAPETEN Regulation Number 3 of 2024 concerning the Restriction of Import and Export of Consumer Goods, Ionizing Radiation Sources, and Nuclear Materials. This meeting took place on February 26, 2025, at the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) office Jakarta.

The discussion focused on the implementation of BAPETEN Regulation Number 3 of 2024, particularly regarding HS Code 2844.43.00, HS Code ex. 7310.29.99, post-border consumer goods export supervision, and the oversight plan for dual-use items.

The BAPETEN delegation included Mukhlisin (Director of Regulation of RFRM DP2FRZR), Dahlia Cakrawati Sinaga (Principal Radiation Supervisor), Aris Sanyoto (Activity Manager of Radiation Protection Regulation and Environmental Safety at DP2FRZR), along with representatives from the Bureau of Legal Affairs, Cooperation, and Public Communication (BHKK), the Directorate of Inspection of Nuclear instsllation and Materials (DIIBN), and the head of centre for regulatory assesment of NI (P2STPIBN).

The BAPETEN team was welcomed by the Directorate of Customs Technical Affairs, represented by Chotibul Umam (Head of the Import Sub-Directorate), along with teams from the Export Sub-Directorate and the Goods Classification Sub-Directorate. Mukhlisin opened the session by addressing BAPETEN response to DJBC request for clarification and review of BAPETEN Regulation Number 3 of 2024. This was followed by a presentation on the supervision of nuclear dual-use items delivered by Deshinta Indirani, representing the Director of Inspection of NIM (DIIBN).


Mukhlisin stated that BAPETEN had conducted a comprehensive review based on the letter from DJBC and is committed to following up on the inputs provided by DJBC. Regarding the supervision of dual-use items, Deshinta explained that, based on coordination with the National Single Window Institution (LNSW), BAPETEN will serve as a pilot for implementing Strategic Trade Management (STM), with oversight responsibilities entrusted to BAPETEN. Therefore, intensive coordination with DJBC as the supervisory authority for goods entering or leaving customs areas is essential.


Chotibul Umam stated that DJBC generally supports the regulations established by BAPETEN. However, in practice, it is necessary to identify which areas require strict supervision and which can be exempted to maintain service efficiency.

As a result of the discussion, both parties agreed to follow up by revising BAPETEN Regulation No. 3 of 2024 to prevent ambiguities in its implementation. BAPETEN and DJBC are committed to harmonizing regulations, strengthening coordination, and improving communication on matters within their respective authorities. (Diella/DP2FRZR/BHKK/CD/TranslatorNA)

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