BAPETEN Coordination with BNSP and Ministry of Manpower in Technical Meeting of Nuclear Energy Training Institute
Kembali 28 November 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN through the Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness (DKKN) held a Technical Meeting of the Nuclear Energy Training Institute with the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) and the Ministry of Manpower (Kemenaker) to explore more information related to the Professional Certification Institute (LSP), Jakarta, 28 November 2022.

The meeting was discussion and exchange of ideas about LSP and related to one of the activities in DKKN is to carry out competency certification for conformity test personnel, namely Qualified Examiners and Experts in accordance with BAPETEN Regulation No.2 of 2018. In addition, it was also discussed the technical preparation of the National Work Competency Standard (SKKNI). The event was attended by the Commissioner of the BNSP, the Coordinator of Competency Standard Development, the Directorate General of Vocational Training and Productivity Development from the Ministry of Manpower, the Director DKKN BAPETEN, the Coordinator of the Quality Assurance Function Group-DKKN and staff, representatives from related work units DP2FRZR, the Coordinator of the Radiation Facility Officer Licensing Function Group.

imgkontenCommissioner of BNSP Bonardo Aldo Tobing in his presentation conveyed the understanding of the supporting pillars of competent human resources, the infrastructure of the national work competency certification system and explained the requirements and licensing flows that must be met by LSP candidates to carry out work competency certification on behalf of BNSP.

imgkontenimgkontenFollowed by the Coordinator of Competency Standard Development, Directorate General of Vocational Training and Productivity Development Ministry of Manpower, Muhammad Yasir delivered a presentation on the importance of standardization in competence and closely related to authority. He also explained the strategy to improve HR competencies and the national work competency standardization system.

imgkontenimgkontenThe event continued with a discussion session and closed with a group photo session and giving souvenirs to the speakers as a form of appreciation from BAPETEN which was given directly by the Director DKKN Zulkarnain. [DKKN/Esa/BHKK/OR/RA]

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