BAPETEN Conducts Working Visit to the Riau Islands Capital Investment and One-Stop Service (DPMPTSP)
Kembali 14 Oktober 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN’s Directorate of Licensing of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR) conducted a working visit to the Riau Islands Capital Investment and One-Stop Service (DPMPTSP) on October 14, 2022. This working visit was carried out to improve the effectiveness of supervision of nuclear power utilization, especially in the aspect of licensing the ionizing radiation sources utilization in the research and industrial fields by the mandate of Article 17 of Law No. 10/1997 on Nuclear, Law No. 11/2020 on Job Creation, and Government Regulation No. 5/2021 on the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing.

The BAPETEN team was led by DPFRZR Director Ishak along with the Coordinator of the Research and Industrial Facility Licensing Function Group Mukhlisin and related staff and received directly by the Head of the Riau Islands DPMPTSP Hasfarizal Handra accompanied by Joni Hendra as Secretary of DPMPTSP, Robert Lukman as Coordinator of Policy Complaints and Service Reporting and his staff.

The purpose of this activity is to coordinate the licensing strategy for ionizing radiation sources utilization and collaborate in preparing an action plan for accelerating the business in the nuclear sector, especially in the Riau Islands.

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The activity began with a presentation from the Head of Riau Islands DPMPTSP regarding the region and demographics as well as an overview of the development of investment realization in the Riau Islands region. Then continued with the presentation of licensing for the ionizing radiation sources utilization delivered by Ishak and Mukhlisin. In his presentation, Muhklisin conveyed several things, including directions from the Indonesian Vice President on the importance of central and regional coordination as one of the keys to investment in Indonesia and strengthening the best services for ease of doing business in the regions.

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During this working visit, there was also a discussion session and discussion of several topics related to the implementation of accelerating business implementation to support government programs and plans for technical guidance/workshop on business licensing to the Riau Islands DPMPTSP Front Line Officer (FLO). The Head of Riau Islands DPMPTSP expressed his appreciation to BAPETEN for visiting and expects that in the future both parties will always coordinate in terms of accelerating the implementation of business, especially in the nuclear sector in Riau Islands.

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In his closing remarks, Ishak expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the Riau Islands DPMPTSP and all its staff who had been pleased to receive the BAPETEN Team's working visit and would follow up on some of the results of the discussion on this working visit. Ishak also conveyed BAPETEN's commitment to improving licensing services for the benefit of the community to support the ease of doing business in Indonesia. [DPFRZR/Henda/BHKK/CD/Da/RA].

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